项目名称: 基于石英晶体微天平与抗原决定基印迹技术的新型蛋白质传感体系的构建与应用研究
项目编号: No.21275078
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 李文友
作者单位: 南开大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 将石英晶体微天平与抗原决定基印迹技术联用,结合分子印迹技术的高选择性与石英晶体微天平(QCM)检测技术的高灵敏性,构建对目标蛋白质具有特异性识别性能的新型蛋白质传感体系。首先采用含有巯基的功能分子、溶胶-凝胶、金属螯合作用等方法对QCM金电极进行表面修饰;在功能化的金电极表面通过共价或非共价方式结合上模板分子(目标蛋白质的抗原决定基);然后,选择生物相容性、温敏性的功能单体,运用抗原决定基法进行印迹;最后,洗脱模板分子,得到具有特异性识别能力和质量响应的蛋白质传感器。该制备方法融合了QCM和分子印迹技术的优点,可通过传感器频率信号的变化实现对复杂生物体系中目标蛋白质的高选择性、高灵敏性的识别;本课题是高分子化学、材料化学、分析化学、合成化学、蛋白质组学、分子识别等领域相结合的前沿课题,具有创新性和明显的应用价值。此外,该项目的研究成果对于其它生物大分子的识别也具有良好的借鉴和推广价值。
中文关键词: 抗原决定基印迹;蛋白质;荧光;石英晶体微天平;传感体系
英文摘要: A new type of protein sensing system based on quartz crystal microbalance and epitope imprinted technique was developed combining the high selectivity of molecular imprinting technique and high sensitivity of quartz crystal microbalances (QCM). The gold electrodes were modified by thiol-containing functional molecules, sol-gel and metal coordinate method. The template molecules (epitope of the target protein) were immobilized on the gold electrodes using the covalent or non covalent interaction. Then the imprinting materials were prepared through choosing biocompatibility/ thermo-sensitive monomer and epitope imprinted technique. Finally, the protein sensor with specific recognition ability and quality response was obtained by removal of the template. And the sensing system combining the merits of QCM and molecular imprinting technique could recognize the target proteins from the biological system through the frequency change of the as-prepared sensors. This research is a frontier and innovative topic in the field of molecular imprinting and QCM, which intercross the field of polymer chemistry, material chemistry, analytical chemistry, synthetic chemistry, proteomics, molecular recognition, etc; In addition, the results of the research have potential application value for the recognition of other bio-macromolecu
英文关键词: epitope imprinting;protein;fluorescence;quartz crystal microbalance;sensing system