项目名称: 协调控制电力系统有功/频率和无功/电压的区域控制可行性与控制器设计研究
项目编号: No.61473084
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 戴先中
作者单位: 东南大学
项目金额: 86万元
中文摘要: 受限于系统结构与模型的复杂,电力系统递阶控制普遍基于有功/频率与无功/电压解耦的假设,并采用AGC 和AVC分别控制。两个独立的闭环系统同时作用于一个实际的电力系统带来的负面影响(甚至可能引发系统安全问题),已开始引起重视。而要扬弃有功与无功之间的解耦假设,设计出能协调控制有功与无功的区域控制器,首要问题是建立适用的递阶控制模型。针对这一瓶颈问题,申请人经10多年努力,开创性地建立了能描述复杂电力系统本质(微分-代数特征)的递阶结构化模型;近年进一步建立了其(既完整描述主要动态特性,又大大降低复杂度与非线性的)简化模型,为协调控制有功与无功提供了模型基础。为此提出本申请,尝试建立能协调处理有功/频率与无功/电压控制问题的电力系统递阶控制新框架;尝试设计集AGC与AVC于一身、兼顾经济和安全的区域优化协调控制器,为电力控制科学与工程发展开展基础性、前瞻性、控制原理方法上的探索。
中文关键词: 递阶控制;协调控制;区域控制器;电力系统;微分-代数
英文摘要: Subjected to the complexity of power system structure and model, present power system hierarchical control generally adopts the Automatic Generation Control (AGC) and the Automatic Voltage Control (AVC) to regulate frequency and voltage respectively, based on the assumption that the dynamic of active power/ frequency and that of reactive power/voltage are independent of each other. The adverse impact on the system and even the system security issue, caused by the two closed-loop control systems acting on a real power system, has drawn much attention. To break the hierarchical control structure that has been used in practice for a long time and design the area controller that can regulate frequency and voltage simultaneously, the primary task is to build a suitable hierarchical control model. Aiming at this bottleneck problem, the applicants, based on the effort of more than ten years, have innovatively established the hierarchical structural model which can describe the essential differential-algebraic feature of complex power systems. Furthermore, the reduced model (which can describe the main dynamic feature and lower the complexity and nonlinearity) of the hierarchical structural model are obtained through our recent research. The obtained reduced model provides the possibility for designing the area controller to regulate frequency and voltage simultaneously. Therefore, we propose this application and attempt to build a new framework of power system hierarchical control which can coordinate the frequency control and the voltage control, to design a coordinated and optimized area controller (consisting of both AGC and AVC) which can take the economy and the security of power systems into account. The work would make fundamental and control principle contribution to enhancing the effects of power system hierarchical control and constructing the strong and smart grid.
英文关键词: Hierarchical Control;Coordination Control;Area controller;Power systems;Differential-Algebraic