项目名称: 基于演化博弈的行为传播研究
项目编号: No.61203145
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 姜罗罗
作者单位: 温州大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 合作行为普遍存在于人类社会,定量理解个体和群体合作行为传播因而有着重要的科学价值。近年来,惩罚、声望和空间效应等合作机制被相继发现;人们对这些促进合作行为的机制有了较深刻的认识,然而目前对这些机制下合作行为传播以及如何评判合作机制的优劣却知之甚少。本项目着眼于从实证分析和模型研究两方面分析合作行为传播的快慢以及合作行为传播稳定性来探讨其时空传播特性,为评价各种合作机制提供判据。通过招募大学本科生进行博弈实验获取实证数据,定量分析人类行为的空间和时间分布的非泊松特性对个体和群体合作行为传播的影响,从实证的角度探讨合作行为分别在时间和空间尺度上的传播特性;基于演化博弈模型定量研究合作行为传播的速度并考察合作行为传播的稳定性;以实证分析和模型研究所发现的合作行为时空传播特性为判据,衡量不同合作机制的优劣性。
中文关键词: 演化博弈;合作行为传播;网络利他;惩罚机制;博弈实验
英文摘要: Cooperative behavior exists widely in human society, and investigating, in quantitative manner, the spreading features of cooperative behavior is thus of important scientific interest. In recent years, several mechanisms that promote cooperation, such as punishment, reputation and space effects, have been found. So far, mechanisms of maintaining cooperation have been deeply understood, there is, however, little knowledge about the spreading dynamics of cooperative behavior and the criterion evaluating the effectiveness of these mechanisms promoting cooperation. In order to evaluate the efficiency of different mechanisms in enhancing cooperation, it is sound to investigate the propagation velocity and stability of the spreading of cooperative behavior through both empirical analysis and model study. In this project, we will empirically study the effects of the non-Poisson spatiotemporal features of human behavior dynamics on the evolution of cooperation at both the individual and group level. In addition, the propagation speed and stability will be systematically investigated in the framework of evolutionary game models. Finally, the propagation velocity and stability of cooperative behavior spreading obtained from empirical analysis and model study, will serve as a criterion in evaluating the promotion effects o
英文关键词: Evolutionary games;Spreading of cooperative behavior;Network altruism;Punishment mechanism;Game experiments