项目名称: 欠驱动质量矩飞行器姿控系统优化及设计方法研究
项目编号: No.61203185
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 姜宇
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 质量矩飞行器姿态控制系统以其环境适应能力强,可完全置于飞行器内部等其它姿控系统所无法替代的优点正逐渐成为新一代飞行器姿控系统的首选方案。本课题基于现有全驱动质量矩飞行器姿控系统的研究成果,提出欠驱动质量矩飞行器姿控系统一体化优化及设计方案,主要研究:1.考虑质量块移动机构动态的欠驱动质量矩飞行器姿态控制系统一体化建模问题;2.基于能控度指标体系的欠驱动质量矩飞行器姿控系统特征参数优化设计问题;3.基于非光滑反馈控制理论的欠驱动质量矩飞行器姿控镇定控制问题和跟踪控制问题。通过本课题的研究工作,可在理论上完善高阶欠驱动系统结构优化理论和控制理论,建立起一套有助于工程实现的欠驱动质量矩飞行器姿控系统分析与设计框架,为进一步优化质量矩飞行器姿控系统运载质量,增强系统的可靠性和安全性提供解决方案。
中文关键词: 欠驱动控制;质量矩飞行器;非光滑控制;能控度分析;
英文摘要: Attitude control system with moving-mass is becoming one preferred scheme for the next generation attitude control system of spacecrafts, because it can play an irreplaceable role with the significant advantages of the tolerance to stress and environmental adaptability and the all built-in property. With the reseach results on full actuated moving-mass attitude control system, a new integrated design framework on the underactuated moving-mass attitude control system for spacecraft is proposed in the project, which includes: 1. integrated modeling the underactuated moving-mass attitude control system with the consideration of the actuators; 2. optimizing the structural parameters of the underactuated moving-mass attitude control system with the performance indexes set based on the theory of the degree of controllability; 3. designing stabilizing and tracking controllers of the underactuated moving-mass attitude control system based on nonsmooth feedback theory. The project aims at improving the theoritical methods of structrual optimization and control design of the high-order underacturated systems,and setting up a new integrated framework on the analysis and design of the underactuated moving-mass attitude control system in order to improve the engineering realization, optimization the mass carried of the space
英文关键词: Underactuated control;Mass moment spacecraft;nonsmooth control;Controllability analysis;