项目名称: 一种基于元胞自动机车流的公路桥三维耦合振动分析方法研究
项目编号: No.51208125
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 叶茂
作者单位: 广州大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 课题着眼于实际工程应用,紧跟车-桥耦合振动研究趋势,采用理论分析、数值模拟、试验验证等方法对三维车流-公路桥耦合系统进行研究。 通过引入微观交通流理论-元胞自动机模型,模拟公路桥梁上的车流分布状况,结合三维空间内路面不平度分布,提出一种车流-公路桥梁三维耦合振动分析方法,并通过一座实际装配式简支空心板梁桥的试验研究验证分析方法的正确性。然后,以混凝土连续箱梁桥为例,开展车流对桥梁-车流耦合系统动力学性能影响的规律研究,揭示车流对桥梁-车流耦合系统频率的影响规律,明确时域和频域内各种参数对车流-桥梁三维耦合系统的影响方式,阐明加速度、应力、位移等汽车荷载冲击系数变化规律的差异。 课题初步提出了一种直接对公路桥梁设计有指导意义的、可应用于公路桥梁分析的车流-公路桥耦合振动分析方法,具有重要的现实意义,对揭示实际车流作用下车-桥耦合系统动态响应变化规律有重要的理论价值。
中文关键词: 公路桥梁;车-桥耦合;随机车流;元胞自动机;时变频率
英文摘要: The project adopts theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, test verification technique etc to study the 3D vehicle-bridge coupled system, focusing on the practical engineering application, as well as following the research direction of vehicle-bridge coupling vibration. Cellular automation (CA), a microscopic scale traffic flow simulation model, which is widely used in the transportation field, is introduced in the simulation of traffic flow. Three dimensional road surface profiles are simulated in space domain and act as an input to the bridge-vehicle model. The vehicle is modeled as a combination of several rigid bodies connected by a series of springs and damping devices and a three-dimensional dynamic model of the bridge can be obtained through finite element modeling. These two systems of motion equations for the vehicle and bridge are coupled through the contact conditions. Experimental tests are used for validating the coupled motion equations. A prototype bridge is studied with the proposed equations. Moreover, analysis and test reveal the influence of traffic flow on the vehicle-bridge coupled system and the differences among dynamic impact factors of acceleration, stress and displacement. A parameter study is carried out for the vehicle-bridge coupled system in time domain and frequency domain. The
英文关键词: highway bridge;vehicle-bridge coupling;stochastic traffic flow;cellular automation;on-load frequency