项目名称: 基于石墨烯电极的高性能柔性有机发光二极管及力学性能研究
项目编号: No.61274065
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 陈淑芬
作者单位: 南京邮电大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 有机发光二极管(OLED)在全彩显示和照明领域有着极广泛的应用前景,可实现柔性更是OLED区别于其它显示和照明技术的最大优势。针对常用于OLED阳极的ITO具有弯折易碎、原材料稀少、成本高等缺点,本项目拟开发石墨烯作为柔性OLED电极,围绕低阻石墨烯的简易制备、转移及图案化处理等问题展开科学研究,设计并研制出石墨烯作电极的柔性OLED,探索包括柔性基底平坦化、石墨烯电极的界面改善以及器件整体结构优化在内的器件性能优化方案,研究包含基底在内的OLED的层间应力及膜层表面能对于重复机械弯曲性能的影响,权衡发光性能与机械性能的制约关系,最终研制出发光性能优异同时机械性能良好的柔性OLED。本项目基于石墨烯电极的高性能柔性OLED的成功研制将为柔性OLED照明和显示的进一步实用化奠定基础。
中文关键词: 有机发光器件;柔性;石墨烯;白光;梯度注入层
英文摘要: Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) has a potential application in full-color displays and lighting area because of many advantages, especially realizing flexibility. However, ITO, a widely used anode material, has some disadvantages such as crispness, franglibility when bending, rare raw material, a high cost, and so on. In this project, we use graphene as the electrode to replace ITO in flexible OLED, and develop some scientific research work on the fabrication of graphene with a low resistance, the transfer of graphene, and the patterned method of graphene. We will design and fabricate a flexible OLED based on graphene anode. Then, some methods including the reduced surface roughness, the improved interface performance of graphene electrode, and the device structure optimization will be utilized to maximize the optical and electrical performances of OLED. Furthermore, the effects of the strain of the adjacent layers including the flexible substrate and the surface energy of every layer on the mechanical performance in the OLED will be explored. The flexible OLED with excellent emission characteristics and a good mechanical strength will be successfully fabricated in our project by balancing the relation between the optical, electrical, and mechanical performances, which will promote the application of flexibl
英文关键词: Organic light-emitting device;Flexibility;Graphene;White emission;Gradient injection layer