项目名称: 多场耦合下T型导电结晶器内电渣重熔空心钢锭的数学模拟
项目编号: No.51204041
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 冶金与矿业学科
项目作者: 刘福斌
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 采用T型导电结晶器电渣重熔空心钢锭是电渣重熔领域的一项前沿技术,其诸多物理化学现象尚不清楚。以重熔体系多场耦合行为作为研究对象,采用数学模型与实验验证相结合的方法,对T型导电结晶器电渣重熔空心钢锭体系内多场耦合行为及空心锭凝固特征进行基础理论研究。具体内容包括:构建T型导电结晶器电渣重熔空心锭多场耦合数学模型,研究体系内电场、磁场、流场和温度场之间相互作用行为,探索各种参数的合理匹配规律;建立基于多场耦合行为的空心锭凝固行为数学模型,揭示和阐明体系的凝固特性;模型的实验室验证和工业验证。项目旨在揭示T型导电结晶器电渣重熔空心钢锭多场耦合行为及空心锭凝固特征,建立协调工艺条件、多场耦合数学模型和空心锭凝固特征的量化关系。项目的研究成果有利于建立一个定量指导工艺优化和凝固过程控制的数学模型平台,为有效地指导T型导电结晶器电渣重熔空心钢锭生产奠定理论和技术基础。
中文关键词: 电渣重熔;导电结晶器;多场耦合;空心钢锭;数学模拟
英文摘要: Electroslag remelting (ESR) hollow ingot technology with T-shape current-conductive mould is an advance technology of ESR field, but its many physical and chemical phenomena is unclear. The basic theory research on multi-field coupling behavior of ESR hollow ingot with T-shape current-conductive mould and solidification characteristics of hollow ingot is carried out chosen multi-field coupling behavior of ESR hollow ingot as a research object, using the method combining mathematical model with experimental validation. Specific researches are as follows. A comprehensive mathematical model for multi-field coupling behavior of ESR hollow ingot with T-shape current-conductive mould is developed, for describing the interaction of multiple physical fields including electric field, magnetic field, temperature field and flow field, and exploring internal rules of reasonable match for the various parameters. Another mathematical model for solidification behavior of ESR hollow ingot is also developed, for explicating solidification characteristics. Mathematical models are tested and verified by the means of laboratory and industrial experiments. The project aims to reveal multi-field coupling behavior and solidification characteristics of ESR hollow ingot with T-shape current-conductive mould, establishing the quantitativ
英文关键词: Electroslag remelting;curent-conductive mould;multiple couple fields;hollow ingot;mathematical simulation