项目名称: 中高能离子与分子非弹性碰撞过程理论研究
项目编号: No.11474033
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 刘玲
作者单位: 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 离子与分子的重粒子碰撞过程是一个非常复杂的多体、多中心问题。首先,它既涉及入射离子和多原子分子靶带来的多体效应问题,也涉及入射离子中电子和靶中电子的多中心电子关联问题。同时分子靶本身还具有振动、转动等多自由度及多中心效应等方面的问题。其次,当入射离子是高剥离态原子时,靶上的电子以被俘获到入射离子的高激发态为主,并在大量能级之间分布。这就涉及到高激发态的多体动力学效应及大量反应通道之间的相干耦合作用,这些都是重粒子碰撞理论研究的难点。本项目将针对上述难点问题,发展半经典的原子轨道强耦合理论方法和计算程序,研究中高能区离子与分子的非弹性碰撞过程及发射光谱,阐明分子靶的取向效应、多体多中心效应及高激发态多体动力学效应对碰撞截面和光谱的影响。本项目完成后得到的重粒子碰撞参数可以应用到天体物理以及实验室托可马克等离子体中的光谱诊断和模拟的研究中,解决相关的物理问题。
中文关键词: 高电荷态离子;反应动力学;相互作用势
英文摘要: Heavy particle collisions between ions and molecules are very complicated. Firstly, they involve not only the multibody effect between projectiles and molecular targets but also the problems of multi-center electronic correlations. Meanwhile, the molecular targets also have the characters of orientation and multi-center. Secondly, the electron will be captured to the high excited states of the projectiles when the imcoming particles are highly charged ions.Then the multibody dynamics of highly excited states and multi-channel coupling interactions will be involved.The above problems are big challenge for the theoretical study. This project will develop the semi-classical atomic orbital colse-coupling method to calculate the the inelastic collision processes between ions and molecules in the middle and high energy region. The effects of orientation,multi-centcer electron correlations and multibody dynamics of high excited states on the inelastic cross sections and spectrum will be studied. The obtained atomic data can be used to simulate the spectra in the astrophysics, and also used in the diagnostics of plasmas in Tokomak.
英文关键词: highly charged ions;reaction dynamics;interaction