项目名称: 激光合成波长纳米位移测量干涉仪的研制
项目编号: No.50827501
项目类型: 专项基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 陈本永
作者单位: 浙江理工大学
项目金额: 110万元
中文摘要: 本项目详细研究了激光合成波长干涉实现大范围纳米位移测量方法及其仪器化的相关技术。在提高测量精度理论研究方面,建立了激光合成波长纳米位移测量干涉仪的非线性误差计算模型;研制了采用PTF法测量空气折射率实现激光波长修正的信号处理系统,提出了基于激光合成波长干涉的空气折射率直接测量方法,解决了大范围测量抗干扰问题;在干涉信号处理方面,提出了双边沿触发软硬件相结合、根据小数计数位移修正软件计数结果等干涉条纹计数方法,解决了大小数正确结合的可靠性技术,研制了基于CPLD和DSP的激光合成波长干涉信号处理系统;提出了一种新型激光合成波长干涉仪的光路结构,完成了仪器化研制和动静态特性分析研究;通过总体实验和稳定性实验测试表明研制干涉仪的主要技术指标:在测量范围100mm时测量精度3.76nm-15.79nm,在测量范围小于1mm时测量精度1.70nm-3.65nm,测量分辨率0.1nm;经与国外同类仪器比对测试表明具有良好的一致性;综上验证了研制干涉仪的可行性和实用性。发表与录用学术论文8篇,其中SCI收录4篇、EI收录1篇,授权发明专利3项,申请国内、国际发明专利各1项。
中文关键词: 激光;合成波长;干涉仪;纳米位移测量;仪器化
英文摘要: The measuring method of the laser synthetic wavelength interferometer for large displacement measurement with nanometer accuracy and the related developing techniques of the interferometer have been studied in detail. In theoretical research to improve the measurement accuracy, the calculating model of the nonlinearity error of the interferometer has been established. A signal processing system to revise the laser wavelength based on the PTF sensing method for the measurement of the refractive index of air has been developed, and a direct measurement method of the refractive index of air has been proposed based on the laser synthetic wavelength interferometry. Thus the influence of the fluctuation of the refractive index of air in large displacement measurement is eliminated. For the processing of the interference signals, a dual-edge trigged fringe counting method combined the hardware and software counting, and a fringe counting method of correcting the integer number of the interference fringe according to the displacement which corresponds to the fraction number have been proposed. Thus the reliability of the correct combination of the integer and fraction fringe counting is realized. The signal processing systems of the interferometer have been developed based on the FPGA and DSP, respectively. Furthermore, a new optical configuration of the interferometer has been presented. Then, the development and the analysis of the static and dynamic characteristics of the interferometer have been completed. The test and stability experiments have been performed. The experimental results show that the main technique parameters of the developed interferometer are a measurement accuracy of 3.76nm-15.79nm in 100mm measurement range, a measurement accuracy of 1.70nm-3.65nm in 1mm measurement range and a resolution of less than 0.1nm. Compared experimental results show that the developed interferometer has a good consistency with similar foreign instruments. These demonstrate the feasibility and practicality of the developed interferometer for large displacement measurement with nanometer acuracy.
英文关键词: Laser; Synthetic wavelength; Interferometer; Nanometer displacement measurement; Instrumentation