项目名称: 舰用钢板的激光电弧复合焊的智能检测关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61305031
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 华亮
作者单位: 南通大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 本课题基于多光谱视觉信息分析法,有效准确实现舰用高强度低合金厚钢板的激光-电弧复合焊质量的检测。通过研究基于多光谱视觉信息Clifford代数分析的不同熔透模式互相转换机制及对焊接质量的影响,来揭示焊接过程的稳定性状态识别及其状态与焊接参数间的关联规律;采用复合热源相互作用机制的定量分析,提取多光谱视觉图像中的一个或数个描述复合热源互相作用机制的无纲量参数,并分析其与焊接工艺之间的关系;应用Clifford代数分析方法,建立并仿真舰用材料激光电弧复合多道焊熔池的3D温度场及其三维可视化,通过焊缝力学性能分析及焊接参数预选,实现有效预测焊接质量,为提高舰船制造质量奠定理论和技术基础。预计建立基于多光谱的激光电弧复合焊的信号采集、处理和熔透状态多光谱视觉检测平台1套,发表高质量的论文10-12篇,申请发明专利2-4 项,培养研究生3-4名。
中文关键词: 大功率激光焊接;智能测控;Clifford代数;多光谱;高强低碳合金厚钢板
英文摘要: A novel methodology based on multi-spectral analysis of visual information is proposed to detect the laser-arc hybrid welding quality for high-strength low-alloy thick warship-used steel plates. The program includes some contents described as below. The conversion mechanism of different penetration mode and its impacts on welding quality using multi-spectral visual information analysis based on Clifford algebra will be studied. The identification of steady welding state and the correlations between steady welding state and welding parameters will be researched. Based on multi-spectral visual information analysis, an approach of quantitative analysis for interaction mechanism within hybrid heat sources will be studied. Several dimensionless parameters designed for describing such interaction mechanism will be subsequently proposed and the interactions between these parameters and welding procedure will also be researched. Based on Clifford algebra analysis, a method of analyzing 3D melting pool temperature field of laser-arc multi-pass welding will be proposed. The method will subesquently be applied to temperature field modeling and three-dimensional visualization for welding quality prediction, welding seam mechanical property analysis and welding parameters predefination. These researches are anticipated to la
英文关键词: High power laser welding;intelligent measure and control;Clifford algebra;multi spectra;high-strength low-alloy thick steel