项目名称: 高速移动环境下动态网格多载波通信及协同传输研究
项目编号: No.61301165
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 许魁
作者单位: 中国人民解放军理工大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 随着高速铁路、高速公路及民航大规模运营使得对高速移动环境下宽带无线接入的需求日益增加,如何提高无线通信链路在高速移动环境下的传输能力是亟需研究解决的重点问题。在高速移动环境下OFDM对双弥散信道敏感的固有缺陷会导致系统传输效率成倍下降,动态网格多载波调制系统的出现为提升高速移动环境下的传输能力开辟了有效的途径。针对动态网格多载波调制子信号间固有的关联干扰、由高速移动环境带来的无线信道的非平稳双弥散性及中继链路的极端非对称性等新问题,采用非平稳信号处理、子空间干扰避免、估计检测理论、压缩感知等理论,从信道信息理想已知时动态网格多载波调制信号优化设计入手,进而研究非理想信道条件下的优化设计与估计检测方法,并结合移动中继和机会网络编码等先进技术,探索进一步优化系统分集增益实现对高速移动用户有效覆盖的方法。本项目将为动态网格多载波调制在高速移动环境下的应用奠定理论基础,并得到有效的设计准则和规律。
中文关键词: 动态网格多载波调制;信号设计;参数估计;移动中继;协同传输
英文摘要: With the rapid development of the high speed railway, motorway as well as the civil aviation, there is increasing requirement for the broadband access in the high-speed mobile environment. As a result, how to enhance the transmission capacity of wireless communication links in the high-speed mobile environment has become an urgent problem to be tackled with. On the other hand, in the high-speed mobile environment, the doubly dispersive property of OFDM further degrades system performance. The proposition of dynamic lattice multicarrier modulation system presents an effective way to increase the transmission capacity in high-speed scenario. The non-stationary signal processing, subspace interference avoidance, estimation and detection theory and compress sensing theory are introduced to deal with the new problems such as the correlated interference of dynamic lattice multicarrier modulation system, non-stationary doubly dispersive property of wireless channels introduced by high-speed mobile environment as well as the extreme asymmetric characteristic of relay links. Based on the design of dynamic lattice multicarrier modulation system with perfect knowledge of CSI, the design and estimation methods with non-ideal CSI are consider. Moreover, with the help of the technologies of mobile relay and opportunistic netw
英文关键词: Dynamic lattice multicarrier modulation;Signal design;Parameter estimation;Mobile relay;Cooperation Transmission