项目名称: 磁性绝缘体中的自旋波激发、传输、探测及其应用的理论研究
项目编号: No.11474065
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 肖江
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 现阶段,硅基半导体技术主宰着信息科技。但在不久的将来硅基技术将面临着 多方面不可逾越的壁垒,如器件尺度的减小、发热现象的显著、节能需求的增加等。一种绕 过这些壁垒的解决方案是开发新的硬件架构替代硅基技术。本项目将在理论机制上研究以磁 性绝缘体代替硅为基础,利用自旋波代替电子为信息载体的一种新型的信息处理技术架构。 由于是绝缘体,不会产生焦耳热,其他耗散(如磁阻尼)亦很小,因此发热及能耗极低。为 了实现这种技术架构,本项目的研究的核心问题为磁性绝缘体中的自旋波激发、传输、探测, 及为自旋波逻辑操作奠定必要的理论框架和理论设计基础。如果该项目执行顺利,将可以为 信息技术的下一步发展提供一种新的思路以及奠定必要的理论基础。
中文关键词: 磁性绝缘体;自旋波;自旋转移力矩;自旋泵浦;自旋霍尔效应
英文摘要: At this moment, the silicon-based semiconductor technology dominates the information technology. However, the silicon-based technology is facing a couple of barriers in near future, including the shrinking size of the gates, the heating problem, and the energy-saving problem etc. One way of circumventing these barriers is to develop a completely new architecture to replace the silicon based technology. This project is to theoretically study a novel information processing architecture based on magnetic insulators instead of silicon, and using spin waves instead of electrons as information carrier. Since the base is insulator, there is no Joule heating problem. Meanwhile, the energy dissipation is small because of the small magnetic damping in the magnetic insulators. To realize such type of architecture, the core problem of this project is to study the excitation, transport, and detection of spin waves in ferromagnetic insulators, as well as theoretical framework and the designing of the spin wave logic operation. If this project could be carried out as expected, it is possible to provide a novel route and lay the foundation for the future development of the information technology.
英文关键词: magnetic insulator;spin wave;spin transfer torque;spin pumping;spin Hall effect