Rasa NLU :对用户消息进行语义理解,包括意图识别和实体识别,它会把用户的输入转换为结构化的数据。
Rasa Core:用于对话管理(Dialogue management),决策下一步应该执行什么动作。
Component | Requires | Model | Notes |
CRFEntityExtractor |
sklearn-crfsuite | conditional random field | good for training custom entities |
SpacyEntityExtractor |
spaCy | averaged perceptron | provides pre-trained entities |
DucklingHTTPExtractor |
running duckling | context-free grammar | provides pre-trained entities |
MitieEntityExtractor |
MITIE | structured SVM | good for training custom entities |
EntitySynonymMapper |
existing entities | N/A | maps known synonyms |
"text": "show me chinese restaurants",
"intent": "restaurant_search",
"entities": [
"start": 8,
"end": 15,
"value": "chinese",
"entity": "cuisine",
"extractor": "CRFEntityExtractor",
"confidence": 0.854,
"processors": []
日期,金额,期限,距离,序号:duckling库做了一下转换,如“next Thursday at 8pm”表述为实际的datetime对象
"next Thursday at 8pm" => {"value":"2018-05-31T20:00:00.000+01:00"}
带有额外的二进制功能的正则表达式,该正则表达式说明是否找到了正则表达式(1)(0)。如果只想精确匹配正则表达式,则可以在收到Rasa NLU的响应后,在代码中执行此操作,作为后处理步骤。
这是Rasa NLU中每个内置组件的配置选项的参考。
Components | type |
Word Vector Sources | MitieNLP SpacyNLP |
Featurizers | MitieFeaturizer SpacyFeaturizer NGramFeaturizer, RegexFeaturizer CountVectorsFeaturizer |
Intent Classifiers | KeywordIntentClassifier MitieIntentClassifier SklearnIntentClassifier EmbeddingIntentClassifier |
Selectors | Response Selector |
Tokenizers | WhitespaceTokenizer JiebaTokenizer MitieTokenizer SpacyTokenizer |
Entity Extractors | MitieEntityExtractor SpacyEntityExtractor EntitySynonymMapper CRFEntityExtractor DucklingHTTPExtractor |
Short: | MITIE initializer |
Outputs: | nothing |
Requires: | nothing |
Description: | 初始化mitie结构。每个mitie组件都依赖于此,因此应将其放在使用任何mitie组件的每个pipeline的开头。 |
Configuration: | MITIE库需要一个语言模型文件,该文件必须在配置中指定: |
- name: "MitieNLP"
# language model to load
model: "data/total_word_feature_extractor.dat"
Short: | spacy language initializer |
Outputs: | nothing |
Requires: | nothing |
Description: | 初始化spacy结构。每个spacy组件都依赖于此,因此应将其放在使用任何spacy组件的每个pipeline的开头。 |
Configuration: | 语言模型,默认情况下将使用配置的语言。如果要使用的模型spacy具有名称是从语言标签(不同"en" ,"de" 等),可使用此配置变量指定的型号名称。该名称将传递给spacy.load(name) 。 |
- name: "SpacyNLP"
# language model to load
model: "en_core_web_md"
# when retrieving word vectors, this will decide if the casing
# of the word is relevant. E.g. `hello` and `Hello` will
# retrieve the same vector, if set to `false`. For some
# applications and models it makes sense to differentiate
# between these two words, therefore setting this to `true`.
case_sensitive: false
Short: | MITIE intent featurizer |
Outputs: | nothing, 用作意图分类器的输入(例如SklearnIntentClassifier ) |
Requires: | MitieNLP |
Description: | 使用MITIE featurizer创建用于意图分类的功能。注意不使用的MitieIntentClassifier 组件。当前,仅SklearnIntentClassifier 能够使用预先计算的功能。 |
Configuration: | pipeline: - name: "MitieFeaturizer" |
Short: | spacy intent featurizer |
Outputs: | nothing, 用作意图分类器的输入(例如SklearnIntentClassifier ) |
Requires: | SpacyNLP |
Description: | 使用spacy featurizer创建用于意图分类的功能。 |
Short: | 将字符特征附加到特征向量 |
Outputs: | nothing, 将其特征附加到另一个意图特征器生成的现有特征向量上 |
Requires: | SpacyNLP |
Description: | 该特征化器将字符ngram特征附加到特征向量。在训练期间,组件会寻找最常见的字符序列(例如app 或ing )。如果字符序列是否存在于单词序列中,则添加的功能表示布尔标志。注意在此管道之前,还需要另一个意图特征化器! |
Configuration: | pipeline: - name: "NGramFeaturizer" # Maximum number of ngrams to use when augmenting # feature vectors with character ngrams max_number_of_ngrams: 10 |
Short: | 创建正则表达式功能以支持意图和实体分类 |
Outputs: | text_features and tokens.pattern |
Requires: | nothing |
Description: | 在训练期间,正则表达式会创建以训练数据格式定义的正则表达式列表。对于每个正则表达式,将设置一个功能来标记是否在输入中找到了此表达式,然后将其输入意图分类器/实体提取器中以简化分类(假设分类器在训练阶段已获悉,则此设置的功能表示一定的意图)。该CRFEntityExtractor 组件当前仅支持用于实体提取的正则表达式功能 !注意pipeline中的此功能化功能之前必须有一个token化功能! |
Short: | 简单的关键字匹配意图分类器 |
Outputs: | intent |
Requires: | nothing |
Output-Example: | { "intent": {"name": "greet", "confidence": 0.98343} } |
Description: | 此分类器主要用作占位符。通过在传递的消息中搜索这些关键字,便能够识别出hello 和 goodbye的意图。 |
Short: | sklearn意图分类器 |
Outputs: | intent and intent_ranking |
Requires: | A featurizer |
Output-Example: | { "intent": {"name": "greet", "confidence": 0.78343}, "intent_ranking": [ { "confidence": 0.1485910906220309, "name": "goodbye" }, { "confidence": 0.08161531595656784, "name": "restaurant_search" } ] } |
Description: | sklearn意图分类器训练了一个线性SVM,该SVM使用网格搜索进行了优化。Spacy意图分类器需要在pipeline中添加特征符。该特征化器创建用于分类的功能。 |
Configuration: | 在SVM训练期间,将运行超参数搜索以找到最佳参数集。在配置中,可以指定将尝试使用的参数 |
- name: "SklearnIntentClassifier"
# Specifies the list of regularization values to
# cross-validate over for C-SVM.
# This is used with the ``kernel`` hyperparameter in GridSearchCV.
C: [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 100]
# Specifies the kernel to use with C-SVM.
# This is used with the ``C`` hyperparameter in GridSearchCV.
kernels: ["linear"]
Short: | Response Selector |
Outputs: | 包含response 和 ranking |
Requires: | A featurizer |
Output-Example: | { "text": "What is the recommend python version to install?", "entities": [], "intent": {"confidence": 0.6485910906220309, "name": "faq"}, "intent_ranking": [ {"confidence": 0.6485910906220309, "name": "faq"}, {"confidence": 0.1416153159565678, "name": "greet"} ], "response_selector": { "faq": { "response": {"confidence": 0.7356462617, "name": "Supports 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7, recommended version is 3.6"}, "ranking": [ {"confidence": 0.7356462617, "name": "Supports 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7, recommended version is 3.6"}, {"confidence": 0.2134543431, "name": "You can ask me about how to get started"} ] } } } |
Description: | 响应选择器组件可用于构建响应检索模型,根据一组候选响应直接预测机器人响应。该模型的预测由检索动作使用。它将用户输入和响应标签嵌入相同的空间,并遵循与完全相同的神经网络架构和优化EmbeddingIntentClassifier 。响应选择器需要在管道中添加特征符。该特征化器创建用于嵌入的特征。建议使用CountVectorsFeaturizer ,可以选择在其前面加上SpacyNLP 。注意如果在预测时间内,一条消息仅包含训练中看不见的单词,并且未使用“词汇外”预处理器,则可以有把握地None 预测出空响应0.0 。 |
Configuration: | 该算法包括所有EmbeddingIntentClassifier 使用的超参数。此外,该组件还可以配置为针对特定的检索意图训练响应选择器retrieval_intent :设置为此响应选择器模型训练的意图的名称。默认None 在配置中,您可以指定这些参数 |
Short: | Tokenizer using Jieba for Chinese language |
Outputs: | nothing |
Requires: | nothing |
Description: | 使用专用于中文的结巴分词器。对于除中文以外的语言,将作为 WhitespaceTokenizer 。可用于为MITIE实体提取器token。通过pip install jieba 安装 |
Configuration: | 用户的自定义词典文件可以通过以下方式通过文件的特定目录路径自动加载 dictionary_path pipeline: - name: "JiebaTokenizer" dictionary_path: "path/to/custom/dictionary/dir" |
Short: | CRF实体提取 |
Outputs: | 输出 entities |
Requires: | A tokenizer |
Output-Example: | { "entities": [{"value":"New York City", "start": 20, "end": 33, "entity": "city", "confidence": 0.874, "extractor": "CRFEntityExtractor"}] } |
Description: | 该组件实现条件随机场以进行命名实体识别。可以将CRF视为无向马尔可夫链,其中时间步长是单词,状态是实体类。单词的特征(大写,POS标记等)赋予某些实体类几率,相邻实体标签之间的转换也是如此:然后计算并返回最可能的一组标签。如果使用POS功能(pos或pos2),则必须安装spaCy。 |
Configuration: |
- name: "CRFEntityExtractor"
# The features are a ``[before, word, after]`` array with
# before, word, after holding keys about which
# features to use for each word, for example, ``"title"``
# in array before will have the feature
# "is the preceding word in title case?".
# Available features are:
# ``low``, ``title``, ``suffix5``, ``suffix3``, ``suffix2``,
# ``suffix1``, ``pos``, ``pos2``, ``prefix5``, ``prefix2``,
# ``bias``, ``upper``, ``digit`` and ``pattern``
features: [["low", "title"], ["bias", "suffix3"], ["upper", "pos", "pos2"]]
# The flag determines whether to use BILOU tagging or not. BILOU
# tagging is more rigorous however
# requires more examples per entity. Rule of thumb: use only
# if more than 100 examples per entity.
BILOU_flag: true
# This is the value given to sklearn_crfcuite.CRF tagger before training.
max_iterations: 50
# This is the value given to sklearn_crfcuite.CRF tagger before training.
# Specifies the L1 regularization coefficient.
L1_c: 0.1
# This is the value given to sklearn_crfcuite.CRF tagger before training.
# Specifies the L2 regularization coefficient.
L2_c: 0.1
From Word Embeddings To Document Distances 阅读笔记
可解释性论文阅读笔记1-Tree Regularization
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