报告人:祖充,University of California, Berkeley
Recent experimental advances have enabled the control and manipulation of individual quantum mechanical spins in solids. In this talk, I will introduce two directions our group is currently pursuing using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, one of the most promising solid-state quantum defect, (1) by integrate NV centers directly into the diamond anvil cell (DAC), a workhorse for high pressure physics, we demonstrate the versatility of our quantum sensors by imaging both stress fields and magnetism, up to pressures ~30 GPa and for temperatures ranging from 25-340 K. (2) we introduce a novel platform, based upon NV center and surrounding dense P1 centers (substitutional nitrogen defects), to study non-equilibrium quantum spin dynamics. In particular, we show the ability to directly control the disorder strength, the interaction Hamiltonian and the effective P1 density using a combination of static and driven fields. By preparing a low entropy initial state, we probe the nanoscale spin diffusion of P1 centers, ultimately observing the emergence of hydrodynamics.
2Construction and classification of symmetry protected topological phase in interacting fermion systems
报告人:Zheng-Cheng Gu
地点:Room W563, Physics Building
The classfication and lattice model construction of symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases in interacting fermion systems are very interesting but challenging. In this talk, I will address this problem based on the fluctuation domain wall picture. I will discuss new types of topological insulator in interacting fermion systems with co-planar spin order.
3The dark matter implications of two scenarios with light scalars within the MSSM
报告人:Christopher Kelso,University of North Florida
地点:ITP South Building 6620
Experimental results from the LHC have placed strong constraints on the masses of colored superpartners. The MSSM parameter space is also constrained by the measurement of the Higgs boson mass, and the requirement that the relic density of lightest neutralinos be consistent with observations. Although large regions of the MSSM parameter space can be excluded by these combined bounds, leptophilic versions of the MSSM can survive these constraints. We consider a scenario in which the requirements of minimal flavor violation, vanishing CP-violation, and mass universality are relaxed, specifically focusing on scenarios with light sleptons. We find a large region of parameter space, analogous to the original bulk region, for which the lightest neutralino is a thermal relic with an abundance consistent with that of dark matter. We find that these leptophilic models are constrained by measurements of the magnetic and electric dipole moments of the electron and muon, and that these models have interesting signatures at a variety of indirect detection experiments. We also consider a related scenario in which dark matter is bino-like and darkmatter-nucleon spin-independent scattering occurs via the exchange of light squarks which exhibit left-right mixing. We show that direct detection experiments such as LUX and SuperCDMS will be sensitive to a wide class of such models through spin-independent scattering. Moreover, these models exhibit properties, such as isospin violation, that are not typically observed for the MSSM LSP if scattering occurs primarily through Higgs exchange. The dominant nuclear physics uncertainty is the quark content of the nucleon, particularly the strangeness content.