为了充分发挥 CUDA 平台的计算能力,NVIDIA 推出了高度优化的深度学习、线性代数算子库 cudnn、cublas、cutlass,以及 CUDA 平台上的深度学习推理框架 TensorRT。
基于 CUTLASS 的卷积算子开发框架
// 定义输入 feature map tensor 的 layout
using LayoutSrc = cutlass::layout::TensorNCxHWx<32>;
// 定义输入 weight tensor 的 layout
using LayoutFilter = cutlass::layout::TensorCxRSKx<32>;
// 定义线程块的分块大小,M,N,K
using ThreadBlockShape = cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<32, 64, 64>;
// 定义 warp 的分块大小,M,N,K
using WarpShape = cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<32, 16, 64>;
// 定义 Matrix Multiply-Add 指令的矩阵分块大小,M,N,K
using InstructionShape = cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<8, 8, 16>;
// 定义卷积后处理 operator
using EpilogueOp = cutlass::epilogue::thread::
BiasAddLinearCombinationReluClamp<int8_t, 8,
int32_t, int32_t, float>;
using Convolution = cutlass::convolution::device::Convolution<
int8_t, // 输入 feature map 的 data type
LayoutSrc, // 输入 feature map 的 layout
int8_t, // 输入 weight 的 data type
LayoutFilter, // 输入 weight 的 layout
int8_t, // 输出 tensor 的 data type
LayoutSrc, // 输出 tensor 的 layout
int32_t, // 输入 bias 的 data type
LayoutSrc, // 输入 bias 的 layout
int32_t, // 矩阵乘法内部累加的 data type
ThreadBlockShape, WarpShape, InstructionShape,
2, // 2 代表是否开启 shared memory ping-pong prefetch 优化
16, 16>; // tensor alignment, 代表 load/store 指令的位宽
// 越宽指令吞吐量越高,有助于提升性能
Convolution conv_op;
typename Convoluition::Arguments args{...};
conv_op.initialize(args, workspace);
// 执行 convolution 算子
cutlass 在选取的 17 个卷积层下有 11 个卷积层的性能超过了 cudnn,余下的 6 个卷积层的性能也基本达到了 cudnn 的 80%以上。
// 定义输入 feature map tensor 的 layout
using LayoutSrc = cutlass::layout::TensorNCxHWx<4>;
// 定义输入 weight tensor 的 layout
using LayoutFilter = cutlass::layout::TensorCxRSKx<4>;
// 定义输出 tensor 的 layout
using LayoutDst = cutlass::layout::TensorNCxHWx<32>;
// 定义线程块的分块大小,M,N,K
using ThreadBlockShape = cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<64, 128, 32>;
// 定义 warp 的分块大小,M,N,K
using WarpShape = cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<64, 32, 32>;
// 定义 Matrix Multiply-Add 指令的矩阵分块大小,M,N,K
using InstructionShape = cutlass::gemm::GemmShape<1, 1, 4>;
// 定义卷积后处理 operator
using EpilogueOp = cutlass::epilogue::thread::
BiasAddLinearCombinationReluClamp<int8_t, 4,
int32_t, int32_t, float>;
using Convolution = cutlass::convolution::device::Convolution<
int8_t, // 输入 feature map 的 data type
LayoutSrc, // 输入 feature map 的 layout
int8_t, // 输入 weight 的 data type
LayoutFilter, // 输入 weight 的 layout
int8_t, // 输出 tensor 的 data type
LayoutDst, // 输出 tensor 的 layout
int32_t, // 输入 bias 的 data type
LayoutDst, // 输入 bias 的 layout
int32_t, // 矩阵乘法内部累加的 data type
ThreadBlockShape, WarpShape, InstructionShape,
2, // 2 代表是否开启 shared memory ping-pong prefetch 优化
4, 16>; // tensor alignment, 代表 load/store 指令的位宽
// 越宽指令吞吐量越高,有助于提升性能
Convolution conv_op;
typename Convoluition::Arguments args{...};
conv_op.initialize(args, workspace);
// 执行 convolution 算子
template <typename ElementOutput_,
int Count,
typename ElementAccumulator_ = ElementOutput_,
typename ElementBias_ = ElementOutput_,
typename ElementCompute_ = ElementOutput_,
FloatRoundStyle Round = FloatRoundStyle::round_to_nearest,
typename Policy = NumericArrayConverterPolicy<
ElementOutput_, Count,
ElementAccumulator_, ElementBias_,
ElementCompute_, Round>>
class BiasAddLinearCombinationHSwishClamp {
/// 定义 Param、构造函数等,这里省略部分代码
/// ...
FragmentOutput operator()(FragmentAccumulator const& accumulator,
FragmentBias const& bias,
FragmentOutput const& source) const {
SourceConverter source_converter;
AccumulatorConverter accumulator_converter;
BiasConverter bias_converter;
ComputeFragment converted_source = source_converter(source);
ComputeFragment converted_accumulator =
ComputeFragmentBias converted_bias = bias_converter(bias);
ComputeFragment intermediate;
multiplies<ComputeFragment> mul_add_source;
multiply_add<ComputeFragment> mul_add_accumulator;
multiply_add<ComputeFragmentBias> mul_add_bias;
HSwish<ComputeFragment> hswish;
minimum<ComputeFragment> min_accumulator;
maximum<ComputeFragment> max_accumulator;
/// 计算+bias
intermediate =
mul_add_source(gamma_, converted_source);
intermediate =
mul_add_accumulator(alpha_, converted_accumulator,
intermediate = mul_add_bias(beta_, converted_bias,
/// 计算 HSwish 激活
intermediate = hswish(scale_, inv_scale_, intermediate);
ElementCompute const kClamp = ElementCompute(
(1U << (sizeof_bits<ElementOutput>::value - 1)) - 1);
intermediate =
max_accumulator(intermediate, -kClamp - ElementCompute(1));
intermediate = min_accumulator(intermediate, kClamp);
/// 转换成输出的 data type
OutputConverter destination_converter;
return destination_converter(intermediate);
[文档地址] https://megengine.org.cn/doc/advanced/inference_in_nvidia_gpu.html#inference-in-nvidia-gpu
[如何使用 load_and_run] https://megengine.org.cn/doc/advanced/how_to_use_load_and_run.html#how-to-use-load-and-run
./load_and_run resnet18.mge --input ./cat.npy --enable-nchw32 --fast-run
mgb load-and-run: using MegBrain 8.9999.0(0) and MegDNN 9.3.0
[09 14:14:14 from_argv@mgblar.cpp:1169][WARN] enable nchw32 optimization
load model: 3018.428ms
=== prepare: 182.441ms; going to warmup
[09 14:11:11 invoke@system.cpp:492][ERR] timeout is set, but no fork_exec_impl not given; timeout would be ignored
[09 14:11:11 invoke@system.cpp:492][ERR] timeout is set, but no fork_exec_impl not given; timeout would be ignored
[09 14:11:11 invoke@system.cpp:492][ERR] timeout is set, but no fork_exec_impl not given; timeout would be ignored
warmup 0: 481.411ms
=== going to run input for 10 times
iter 0/10: 19.432ms (exec=0.754,device=19.307)
iter 1/10: 18.537ms (exec=0.899,device=18.497)
iter 2/10: 18.802ms (exec=0.727,device=18.762)
iter 3/10: 18.791ms (exec=0.653,device=18.759)
iter 4/10: 18.614ms (exec=0.761,device=18.585)
iter 5/10: 18.529ms (exec=0.708,device=18.499)
iter 6/10: 18.660ms (exec=0.706,device=18.634)
iter 7/10: 18.917ms (exec=0.667,device=18.894)
iter 8/10: 19.093ms (exec=0.655,device=19.070)
iter 9/10: 19.211ms (exec=0.630,device=19.187)
=== finished test #0: time=188.586ms avg_time=18.859ms sd=0.304ms minmax=18.529,19.432