【论坛主题】二值化网络 & 基于素描图的图像检索
【时间】2018年11月04日(周日)下午2:00 -- 4:00
庞璐,北京大学信息工程学院在读硕士,本科毕业于北京大学信息科学技术学院,目前主要研究方向是基于素描图的图像检索,同时研究兴趣也在于强化学习,迁移学习和计算机视觉。目前已在CVPR和ACM Multimedia发表过文章。
1.杨朝晖部分:二值化网络是将网络的参数和激活值二值化,在不改变网络结构的条件下压缩网络并降低运算时间,本次报告主要介绍二值化网络的发展,包括BinaryConnect, BNN, XNORnet, DoReFa-Net等经典模型。
2.庞璐部分:Compared to text, the important characteristic of sketches lies with their ability of capturing object structure and appearance. Therefore, as a query modality, sketches are employed on many retrieval applications. With the rapid development of touch-screen devices, fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval(FG-SBIR) has become an increasingly research topic problem recently. Free-hand sketches are used in commercial search scenarios such as searching a specific shoe or chair. Besides, in forensic applications, there are no photo of the suspect for retrieving, which have motivated research on forensic facial sketches matching and sketch re-identification. Common characteristics of these problems lie with challenges, which is cross-domain and instance-level. This report provides a comprehensive introduction of established methods about grained sketch-based image retrieval. Moreover, I will discuss about recent developments on sketch re-identification.
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