The approach to proof search dubbed "coinductive proof search", and previously developed by the authors for implicational intuitionistic logic, is in this paper extended to LJP, a focused sequent-calculus presentation of polarized intuitionistic logic, including an array of positive and negative connectives. As before, this includes developing a coinductive description of the search space generated by a sequent, an equivalent inductive syntax describing the same space, and decision procedures for inhabitation problems in the form of predicates defined by recursion on the inductive syntax. We prove the decidability of existence of focused inhabitants, and of finiteness of the number of focused inhabitants for polarized intuitionistic logic, by means of such recursive procedures. Moreover, the polarized logic can be used as a platform from which proof search for other logics is understood. We illustrate the technique with LJT, a focused sequent calculus for full intuitionistic propositional logic (including disjunction). For that, we have to work out the "negative translation" of LJT into LJP (that sees all intuitionistic types as negative types), and verify that the translation gives a faithful representation of proof search in LJT as proof search in the polarized logic. We therefore inherit decidability of both problems studied for LJP and thus get new proofs of these results for LJT.
翻译:本文将作者们先前为隐含直觉逻辑制定的所谓“潜伏证据搜索”的证明搜索方法延伸至LJP, 这是一种集中的序列算法, 由两极分化直率逻辑, 包括一系列正和负连通性。 和以前一样, 其中包括对由序列、 描述相同空间的等同导导导语语法产生的搜索空间, 以及居住问题的决定程序, 其形式为感性语法的复述所定义的前提( 包括互不相容性) 。 我们证明重点居民的存在是可衰减的, 以及集中居民中极分化直觉逻辑的有限数量, 包括一系列正反直率和负直觉逻辑。 此外, 极化逻辑可以用作一个平台, 从而理解其他逻辑的搜索。 我们用LJT 集中的顺序来说明整个直觉理论理论逻辑逻辑逻辑( 包括非正反JT) 的“ 不偏向翻译 ”, 我们不得不将LJT 和 逻辑的逻辑的正确性翻校验的逻辑( 因此, 翻校验了LJ ) 的逻辑 的逻辑 的翻校验。