Smart Contracts and transactions allow users to implement elaborate constructions on cryptocurrency blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Many of these constructions, including operational payment channels and atomic swaps, use a building block called Hashed Time-Locked Contract (HTLC). In this work, we distill from HTLC a specification (HTLC-Spec), and present an implementation called Mutual-Assured-Destruction Hashed Time-Locked Contract (MAD-HTLC). MAD-HTLC employs a novel approach of utilizing the existing blockchain operators, called miners, as part of the design. If a user misbehaves, MAD-HTLC incentivizes the miners to confiscate all her funds. We prove MAD-HTLC's security using the UC framework and game-theoretic analysis. We demonstrate MAD-HTLC's efficacy and analyze its overhead by instantiating it on Bitcoin's and Ethereum's operational blockchains. Notably, current miner software makes only little effort to optimize revenue, since the advantage is relatively small. However, as the demand grows and other revenue components shrink, miners are more motivated to fully optimize their fund intake. By patching the standard Bitcoin client, we demonstrate such an optimization is easy to implement, making the miners natural enforcers of MAD-HTLC. Finally, we extend previous results regarding HTLC vulnerability to bribery attacks. An attacker can incentivize miners to prefer her transactions by offering high transaction fees. We demonstrate this attack can be easily implemented by patching the Bitcoin client, and use game-theoretic tools to qualitatively tighten the known cost bound of such bribery attacks in presence of rational miners. We identify bribe opportunities occurring on the Bitcoin and Ethereum main networks where a few dollars bribe could yield tens of thousands of dollars in reward (e.g., \$2 for over \$25K).
翻译:智能合同和交易允许用户在比特币和埃特隆等加密货币链中实施精密的精密建筑。 许多这些建筑,包括操作性支付渠道和原子交换,使用名为Hashed Tim-Locked Contract (HTLC) 的建筑块。 在这项工作中,我们从HTLC提取了一个规格(HTLC-Spec),并展示了一个名为“相互确保-解腐化时间列表合同(MAD-HTLC) ”的实施。MAD-HTLC 更倾向于采用新颖的方法,即利用现有的连锁操作操作操作,称为采矿者,作为设计的一部分,使用操作操作性支付性支付和交换的操作。如果用户行为不当,MAD-HTLC会激励矿工没收她的所有资金。我们在UC框架和游戏理论分析中证明了MAD-HTLC的安全性。 我们通过在比特币和Eiteum的操作链中即时速分析其交易效率(MA-HT), 能够通过比特币的快速地分析其交易中的收益。 。 直控软件只能在最易操作链中只中进行快速交易中, 使得我们更容易地努力地获取收益交易, 向最易地展示的收益交易,我们更方便地展示的收益交易,, 也逐渐地展示的收益,我们更方便地展示的收益, 。