Online reconstruction based on RGB-D sequences has thus far been restrained to relatively slow camera motions (<1m/s). Under very fast camera motion (e.g., 3m/s), the reconstruction can easily crumble even for the state-of-the-art methods. Fast motion brings two challenges to depth fusion: 1) the high nonlinearity of camera pose optimization due to large inter-frame rotations and 2) the lack of reliably trackable features due to motion blur. We propose to tackle the difficulties of fast-motion camera tracking in the absence of inertial measurements using random optimization, in particular, the Particle Filter Optimization (PFO). To surmount the computation-intensive particle sampling and update in standard PFO, we propose to accelerate the randomized search via updating a particle swarm template (PST). PST is a set of particles pre-sampled uniformly within the unit sphere in the 6D space of camera pose. Through moving and rescaling the pre-sampled PST guided by swarm intelligence, our method is able to drive tens of thousands of particles to locate and cover a good local optimum extremely fast and robustly. The particles, representing candidate poses, are evaluated with a fitness function defined based on depth-model conformance. Therefore, our method, being depth-only and correspondence-free, mitigates the motion blur impediment as ToF-based depths are often resilient to motion blur. Thanks to the efficient template-based particle set evolution and the effective fitness function, our method attains good quality pose tracking under fast camera motion (up to 4m/s) in a realtime framerate without including loop closure or global pose optimization. Through extensive evaluations on public datasets of RGB-D sequences, especially on a newly proposed benchmark of fast camera motion, we demonstrate the significant advantage of our method over the state of the arts.

翻译:以 RGB- D 序列为基础的在线重建迄今一直被限制在相对缓慢的相机进化( < 1m/s) 上。 在非常快速的相机动作(例如, 3m/s) 下, 重建可以很容易地崩溃, 甚至就最先进的方法而言。 快速的动作带来两个深度融合挑战:1 由于大型的跨框架旋转, 相机的高度非线性可以优化; 2 由于运动模糊, 缺乏可靠的可追踪特性。 我们提议在没有随机优化, 特别是Particle过滤优化( PFO) 的惯性测量的情况下, 快速的移动相机相机跟踪困难。 在非常快速的摄像头中, 我们的方法能够驱动数以万计的粒子定位和覆盖一个精度精度精度的粒子取样器 。 要克服计算精度的计算精度精度的粒取样器, 快速和精度的精确的深度, 以快速和精确的深度的深度, 快速的深度, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 快速的, 展示的, 。



FAST:Conference on File and Storage Technologies。 Explanation:文件和存储技术会议。 Publisher:USENIX。 SIT:
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