The Metaverse is deemed the next evolution of the Internet and has received much attention recently. Metaverse applications via mobile augmented reality (MAR) require rapid and accurate object detection to mix digital data with the real world. As mobile devices evolve, they become more potent in computing. Hence, their computational resources can be leveraged to train machine learning models. In light of the increasing concerns of user privacy and data security, federated learning (FL) has become a promising distributed learning framework for privacy-preserving analytics. In this article, FL and MAR are brought together in the Metaverse. We discuss the necessity and rationality of the combination of FL and MAR. The prospective technologies that power FL and MAR in the Metaverse are also identified. In addition, existing challenges that prevent the fulfilment of FL and MAR in the Metaverse and several application scenarios are presented. Finally, two case studies of Metaverse FL-MAR systems are demonstrated.
翻译:通过移动增强现实(MAR)的模型应用需要快速和准确的物体探测,以将数字数据与现实世界相结合。随着移动设备的发展,它们更有能力进行计算。因此,可以利用它们的计算资源来培训机器学习模型。鉴于用户隐私和数据安全日益受到关注,联谊学习(FL)已成为保护隐私分析的有希望的分布式学习框架。在文章中,FL和MAR被放在Metevour中。我们讨论了FL和MAR相结合的必要性和合理性。Metverse的FL和MAR的预期技术也得到了确认。此外,还介绍了在Metverse中妨碍FL和MAR实现现有挑战,并介绍了一些应用情景。最后,对Metavour FL-MAR系统的两个案例研究得到了证明。