Face authentication on mobile end has been widely applied in various scenarios. Despite the increasing reliability of cutting-edge face authentication/verification systems to variations like blinking eye and subtle facial expression, anti-spoofing against high-resolution rendering replay of paper photos or digital videos retains as an open problem. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective face anti-spoofing system, termed Aurora Guard (AG). Our system firstly extracts the normal cues via light reflection analysis, and then adopts an end-to-end trainable multi-task Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to accurately recover subjects' intrinsic depth and material map to assist liveness classification, along with the light CAPTCHA checking mechanism in the regression branch to further improve the system reliability. Experiments on public Replay-Attack and CASIA datasets demonstrate the merits of our proposed method over the state-of-the-arts. We also conduct extensive experiments on a large-scale dataset containing 12,000 live and diverse spoofing samples, which further validates the generalization ability of our method in the wild.
翻译:尽管尖端面部认证/验证系统越来越可靠,可以变换,如眨眼和细微面部表达、反涂料反对高分辨率重放纸面照片或数字视频,这仍是一个开放的问题。在本文中,我们提议了一个简单而有效的面部反涂料系统,称为奥罗拉卫兵(AG)。我们的系统首先通过光反射分析提取正常的信号,然后采用一个端到端可训练的多任务共进神经网络(CNN),以准确恢复对象的内在深度和材料地图,协助进行活性分类,同时在回归分支中采用光光光光电控制系统检查机制,以进一步提高系统的可靠性。关于公众重放-阿塔克和化学分析组的实验展示了我们所提议的方法在状态上的优点。我们还在包含12 000个活的和多元的模拟样本的大型数据集上进行了广泛的实验,进一步验证了我们在野外的方法的普及能力。