In this study, the standard IEEE 754 2008 and modulo-based floor functions for rounding non-integers have been presented. Their effects on the accuracy of the bilinear interpolation algorithm have been demonstrated. The improved floor uses the modulo operator in an effort to make each non-integer addend an integer when the remainder between the multiplicative inverse of the fractional factor and the numerator is greater than zero. The experiments demonstrated relatively positive effects with the improved floor function and the alternativeness to the standard round function.
翻译:在本研究报告中,介绍了2008年IEE 754标准值和非整数计算器基于模数的底部功能,这些功能对双线内插算法的准确性产生了影响;改进了底部使用模数操作器,以使每个非整数添加器的整数,当分数系数的多倍反数与分子数之间的剩余部分大于零时,实验显示了相对积极的效果,改进了底部功能和标准圆函数的替代功能。