In this paper, we investigate whether applying ankle torques during mid-stance can be a more effective way to reduce energetic cost of locomotion than actuating leg length alone. Ankles are useful in human gaits for many reasons including static balancing. In this work, we specifically avoid the heel-strike and toe-off benefits to investigate whether the progression of the center of pressure from heel-to-toe during mid-stance, or some other approach, is beneficial in and of itself. We use an "Ankle Actuated Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum" model to simulate the shifting center of pressure dynamics, and trajectory optimization is applied to find limit cycles that minimize cost of transport. The results show that, for the vast majority of gaits, ankle torques do not affect cost of transport. Ankles reduce the cost of transport during a narrow band of gaits at the transition from grounded running to aerial running. This suggests that applying ankle torque during mid-stance of a steady gait is not a directly beneficial strategy, but is most likely a path between beneficial heel-strikes and toe-offs.
翻译:在本文中, 我们调查在中步期间使用脚踝扭扭是否是一种更有效的方法, 来降低运动的能量成本, 而不是单是动动动腿的长度。 脚踝对人的动作很有用, 原因很多, 包括静态平衡。 在这项工作中, 我们特别避免脚跟和脚趾的效益, 以调查压力中心在中步期间从脚跟到脚趾的进进进是否有利。 我们使用“ 动作松动的春春时倒倒的彭” 模型来模拟压力动态的移动中心, 并应用轨迹优化来寻找最大限度降低运输成本的极限周期。 结果显示, 对绝大多数的齿轮来说, 脚踝不会影响运输成本。 在从固定运行到空中运行的过渡过程中, 缩脚圈的运输成本会降低。 这意味着, 在稳定曲曲的中步时使用脚踝扭不是直接有利的策略, 但很可能是有利性螺旋与偏向导之间的路径 。