This paper studies a general class of stochastic population processes in which agents interact with one another over a network. Agents update their behaviors in a random and decentralized manner based only on their current state and the states of their neighbors. It is well known that when the number of agents is large and the network is a complete graph (has all-to-all information access), the macroscopic behavior of the population converges to a differential equation called a {\it mean-field approximation}. When the network is not complete, it is unclear in general whether there exists a suitable mean-field approximation for the macroscopic behavior of the population. This paper provides general conditions on the network and policy dynamics for which a suitable mean-field approximation exists. First, we show that as long as the network is well-connected, the macroscopic behavior of the population concentrates around the {\it same} mean-field system as the complete-graph case. Next, we show that as long as the network is sufficiently dense, the macroscopic behavior of the population concentrates around a mean-field system that is, in general, {\it different} from the mean-field system obtained in the complete-graph case. Finally, we provide conditions under which the mean-field approximation is equivalent to the one obtained in the complete-graph case.
翻译:本文研究一个总体类的随机人口过程, 使代理商在网络上相互互动。 代理商仅根据他们目前的状况和邻居的状态, 以随机和分散的方式更新他们的行为。 众所周知, 当代理商的数量巨大, 网络是一个完整的图表( 拥有全到全部的信息访问) 时, 人口宏观行为会与一个叫做“ 平均场近似” 的差别方程式相融合。 当网络不完善时, 一般说来还不清楚是否有适合人口宏观行为的平均场近似。 本文以随机和分散的方式更新了他们的行为。 这份代理商提供了网络和政策动态的一般条件, 并且存在一个合适的平均场近似的情况。 首先, 我们显示只要网络是庞大的, 人口宏观行为与整个平均场系统一样。 我们显示只要网络足够稠密, 人口集中的宏观表面行为方式围绕一个完整的平均场系统, 就能提供我们从中获取的中等值的数据。