The RDF Mapping Language (RML) enables, among other formats, the mapping of tabular data as Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files to RDF graphs. Unfortunately, the widely used spreadsheet format is currently neglected by its specification and well-known implementations. Therefore, we extended one of the tools which is RML Mapper to support Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files and demonstrate its capabilities in an interactive online demo. Our approach allows to access various meta data of spreadsheet cells in typical RML maps. Some experimental features for more specific use cases are also provided. The implementation code is publicly available in a GitHub fork.
翻译:RDF 映射语言(RDF 映射语言) 除其他格式外, 能够将表格数据映射成以逗号分隔的值(CSV)文件的 RDF 图表。 不幸的是, 广泛使用的电子表格格式目前被其规格和众所周知的实施所忽略。 因此, 我们扩展了一个工具, 即 RML 映射器, 支持 Microsoft Excel 电子表格文件, 并展示其在线互动演示的能力。 我们的方法允许在典型的 RML 地图中访问电子表格单元格的各种元数据 。 还提供一些用于更具体用途的实验性特征 。 执行代码可在 GitHub Fork 上公开查阅 。