The Kappa biochemistry and the M{\O}D organic chemistry frameworks are amongst the most intensely developed applications of rewriting-based methods in the life sciences to date. A typical feature of these types of rewriting theories is the necessity to implement certain structural constraints on the objects to be rewritten (a protein is empirically found to have a certain signature of sites, a carbon atom can form at most four bonds, ...). In this paper, we contribute a number of original developments that permit to implement a universal theory of continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs) for stochastic rewriting systems. Our core mathematical concepts are a novel rule algebra construction for the relevant setting of rewriting rules with conditions, both in Double- and in Sesqui-Pushout semantics, augmented by a suitable stochastic mechanics formalism extension that permits to derive dynamical evolution equations for pattern-counting statistics. A second main contribution of our paper is a novel framework of restricted rewriting theories, which comprises a rule-algebra calculus under the restriction to so-called constraint-preserving completions of application conditions (for rules considered to act only upon objects of the underlying category satisfying a globally fixed set of structural constraints). This novel framework in turn renders a faithful encoding of bio- and organo-chemical rewriting in the sense of Kappa and M{\O}D possible, which allows us to derive a rewriting-based formulation of reaction systems including a full-fledged CTMC semantics as instances of our universal CTMC framework. While offering an interesting new perspective and conceptual simplification of this semantics in the setting of Kappa, both the formal encoding and the CTMC semantics of organo-chemical reaction systems as motivated by the M{\O}D framework are the first such results of their kind.
翻译:Kappa生物化学学和M~O}D有机化学框架是迄今为止生命科学中最密集开发的基于重写方法的最密集应用方法之一。这些类型的重写理论的一个典型特征是,有必要对拟重写的对象实施某些结构性限制(根据经验发现,蛋白质具有一定的站点特征,碳原子可以在大多数四个债券中形成 )。在本文中,我们贡献了一些原始发展,使得能够对随机重写系统实施一个通用的连续时间马可夫反应链(CTMCs)的普遍理论。我们的核心数学概念是针对相关重写规则的新型规则代数结构构建,其条件包括双倍和Sesqui-Pushout语义学,其补充是适当的随机机械学机械学结构扩展。我们的文件的第二个主要贡献是,一个基础性重写理论的新框架,它包含一个在所谓的缩略缩缩缩缩缩缩缩缩缩缩的C-Calbra 结构框架,它只是将精细的缩缩缩缩缩的缩略图的缩略图框架转化为结构框架。