Miniature fluorescence microscopes are a standard tool in systems biology. However, widefield miniature microscopes capture only 2D information, and modifications that enable 3D capabilities increase the size and weight and have poor resolution outside a narrow depth range. Here, we achieve the 3D capability by replacing the tube lens of a conventional 2D Miniscope with an optimized multifocal phase mask at the objective's aperture stop. Placing the phase mask at the aperture stop significantly reduces the size of the device, and varying the focal lengths enables a uniform resolution across a wide depth range. The phase mask encodes the 3D fluorescence intensity into a single 2D measurement, and the 3D volume is recovered by solving a sparsity-constrained inverse problem. We provide methods for designing and fabricating the phase mask and an efficient forward model that accounts for the field-varying aberrations in miniature objectives. We demonstrate a prototype that is 17 mm tall and weighs 2.5 grams, achieving 2.76 $\mu$m lateral, and 15 $\mu$m axial resolution across most of the 900x700x390 $\mu m^3$ volume at 40 volumes per second. The performance is validated experimentally on resolution targets, dynamic biological samples, and mouse brain tissue. Compared with existing miniature single-shot volume-capture implementations, our system is smaller and lighter and achieves a more than 2x better lateral and axial resolution throughout a 10x larger usable depth range. Our microscope design provides single-shot 3D imaging for applications where a compact platform matters, such as volumetric neural imaging in freely moving animals and 3D motion studies of dynamic samples in incubators and lab-on-a-chip devices.
翻译:显微显微镜是系统生物学中的一个标准工具。 然而, 宽地微型显微镜只捕捉到 2D 信息, 使 3D 能力能够增加大小和重量, 且在窄深度范围之外分辨率差的修改。 在这里, 我们通过将常规的 2D 显微镜的管子镜头替换为目标孔径站上最优化的多焦相掩罩来达到 3D 能力 3D 能力。 在孔径站放置相向掩罩, 大大缩小了设备大小, 且焦点长度不同, 能够在宽深度范围内实现统一解析。 阶段遮罩将 3D 荧光度的更大强度编码编码成单一2D 的深度测量, 3D 体积通过解决一个不透明的问题来恢复 3D 3D 3D 体积。 我们设计并构建了一个高效的前方模型, 显示一个17 毫米, 重2.5 克, 直径直径直径, 直径为2. 76 mum 范围, 和 10 musion 内晶度的纳氏 度 度应用, 将一个更小的内分辨率 进行一个更清晰的测量分解, 。