We consider the problem of recovering characteristic functions $u:=\chi_\Omega$ from cell-average data on a coarse grid, and where $\Omega$ is a compact set of $\mathbb{R}^d$. This task arises in very different contexts such as image processing, inverse problems, and the accurate treatment of interfaces in finite volume schemes. While linear recovery methods are known to perform poorly, nonlinear strategies based on local reconstructions of the jump interface $\Gamma:=\partial\Omega$ by geometrically simpler interfaces may offer significant improvements. We study two main families of local reconstruction schemes, the first one based on nonlinear least-squares fitting, the second one based on the explicit computation of a polynomial-shaped curve fitting the data, which yields simpler numerical computations and high order geometric fitting. For each of them, we derive a general theoretical framework which allows us to control the recovery error by the error of best approximation up to a fixed multiplicative constant. Numerical tests in 2d illustrate the expected approximation order of these strategies. Several extensions are discussed, in particular the treatment of piecewise smooth interfaces with corners.