This paper presents a robotic system (\textit{Chitrakar}) which autonomously converts any image of a human face to a recognizable non-self-intersecting loop (Jordan Curve) and draws it on any planar surface. The image is processed using Mask R-CNN for instance segmentation, Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) for feature enhancement and intensity-based probabilistic stippling for the image to points conversion. These points are treated as a destination for a travelling salesman and are connected with an optimal path which is calculated heuristically by minimizing the total distance to be travelled. This path is converted to a Jordan Curve in feasible time by removing intersections using a combination of image processing, 2-opt, and Bresenham's Algorithm. The robotic system generates $n$ instances of each image for human aesthetic judgement, out of which the most appealing instance is selected for the final drawing. The drawing is executed carefully by the robot's arm using trapezoidal velocity profiles for jerk-free and fast motion. The drawing, with a decent resolution, can be completed in less than 30 minutes which is impossible to do by hand. This work demonstrates the use of robotics to augment humans in executing difficult craft-work instead of replacing them altogether.
翻译:本文展示了一个机器人系统(\ textit{ chitrakar}), 自动将人类脸的任何图像转换为可识别的非自我交叉环形( Jeborve ), 并在任何平面上绘制。 图像使用Mask R- CNN 分割法、 Gaussian (LoG) 的 Laplacecian 来进行特性增强和强度性能概率转换。 这些点被当作旅行销售员的目的地, 并与最佳路径连接, 该路径通过尽可能减少要旅行的总距离来进行超常计算。 这条路径在可行的时间里被转换为约旦曲线, 方法是使用图像处理、 2-opt 和 Breham' Algorithm 的组合来去除交叉点。 机器人系统生成了每个图像用于人类审美判断的值, 其中选择了最有吸引力的实例用于最后绘制。 机器人手臂的绘制过程由机器人手臂谨慎地进行, 使用轨迹定式的高度同步速度配置速度图, 以自制和快速移动运动的方式进行。 绘制过程将无法完成。 。 。 将 。 将 30 将 完成 。 将 以 手 将 复制 完成 完成 。 将 完成 。 将 。