Accurate and efficient entity resolution (ER) is a significant challenge in many data mining and analysis projects requiring integrating and processing massive data collections. It is becoming increasingly important in real-world applications to develop ER solutions that produce prompt responses for entity queries on large-scale databases. Some of these applications demand entity query matching against large-scale reference databases within a short time. We define this as the query matching problem in ER in this work. Indexing or blocking techniques reduce the search space and execution time in the ER process. However, approximate indexing techniques that scale to very large-scale datasets remain open to research. In this paper, we investigate the query matching problem in ER to propose an indexing method suitable for approximate and efficient query matching. We first use spatial mappings to embed records in a multidimensional Euclidean space that preserves the domain-specific similarity. Among the various mapping techniques, we choose multidimensional scaling. Then using a Kd-tree and the nearest neighbour search, the method returns a block of records that includes potential matches for a query. Our method can process queries against a large-scale dataset using only a fraction of the data $L$ (given the dataset size is $N$), with a $O(L^2)$ complexity where $L \ll N$. The experiments conducted on several datasets showed the effectiveness of the proposed method.
翻译:准确而高效的实体分辨率(ER)是许多需要整合和处理大规模数据收集的数据采集和分析项目面临的一个重大挑战。在现实世界应用中,开发ER解决方案以产生对大型数据库实体询问的迅速反应,越来越重要。有些应用程序要求实体在短时间内与大型参考数据库进行匹配。我们将此定义为ER工作中的查询匹配问题。在ER进程中,索引或阻塞技术减少了搜索空间和执行时间。然而,将规模到非常大规模数据集的索引技术相近,仍开放供研究。在本文中,我们调查ER的查询匹配问题,以提出适合近似和高效查询匹配的索引方法。我们首先使用空间绘图将记录嵌入多维度的 Euclidean 空间,以保存特定域的相似性。在各种绘图技术中,我们选择了多层面的缩放。然后使用Kd-tree和最近的邻居搜索,方法返回了一组包括潜在匹配查询的记录。我们的方法可以对大尺度$N美元的数据设置进行查询,而仅使用美元数据序列的美元数据测试。