The purpose of anonymizing structured data is to protect the privacy of individuals in the data while retaining the statistical properties of the data. There is a large body of work that examines anonymization vulnerabilities. Focusing on strong anonymization mechanisms, this paper examines a number of prominent attack papers and finds several problems, all of which lead to overstating risk. First, some papers fail to establish a correct statistical inference baseline (or any at all), leading to incorrect measures. Notably, the reconstruction attack from the US Census Bureau that led to a redesign of its disclosure method made this mistake. We propose the non-member framework, an improved method for how to compute a more accurate inference baseline, and give examples of its operation. Second, some papers don't use a realistic membership base rate, leading to incorrect precision measures if precision is reported. Third, some papers unnecessarily report measures in such a way that it is difficult or impossible to assess risk. Virtually the entire literature on membership inference attacks, dozens of papers, make one or both of these errors. We propose that membership inference papers report precision/recall values using a representative range of base rates.