Stories or narratives are comprised of a sequence of events. To compose interesting stories, professional writers often leverage a creative writing technique called flashback that inserts past events into current storylines as we commonly observe in novels and plays. However, it is challenging for machines to generate flashback as it requires a solid understanding of event temporal order (e.g. "feeling hungry" before "eat," not vice versa), and the creativity to arrange storylines so that earlier events do not always appear first in narrative order. Two major issues in existing systems that exacerbate the challenges: 1) temporal bias in pertaining and story datasets that leads to monotonic event temporal orders; 2) lack of explicit guidance that helps machines decide where to insert flashbacks. We propose to address these issues using structured storylines to encode events and their pair-wise temporal relations (before, after and vague) as temporal prompts that guide how stories should unfold temporally. We leverage a Plan-and-Write framework enhanced by reinforcement learning to generate storylines and stories end-to-end. Evaluation results show that the proposed method can generate more interesting stories with flashbacks while maintaining textual diversity, fluency, and temporal coherence.
翻译:故事或叙事由一系列事件组成。 为了撰写有趣的故事,专业作家常常利用称为回溯的创造性写作技术,将过去的事件插入我们通常在小说和剧本中观察到的当前故事线。然而,对于机器来说,回溯是一个挑战,因为它需要深刻理解事件的时间顺序(例如,在“吃”之前“感到饥饿”,而不是反之亦然 ), 以及安排故事线的创造性,使早期事件不总是以叙事顺序出现。 现有系统中两个加剧挑战的主要问题:1) 导致单一事件时间顺序的关联和故事数据集的时间偏差;2) 缺乏明确的指导,帮助机器决定如何插入回溯闪。我们提议用结构化的故事线来解决这些问题,将事件及其双向的时间关系(在“吃”之前、之后和模糊)作为时间提示,指导故事如何在时间上展开。我们利用一个通过强化学习而得到加强的计划和写字框架来产生故事线和故事结束。评价结果显示,拟议的方法可以产生更有趣的故事,同时保持时空隙和文字的一致性。