When allocating a set of indivisible items among agents, the ideal condition of envy-freeness cannot always be achieved. Envy-freeness up to any good (EFX), and envy-freeness with $k$ hidden items (HEF-$k$) are two very compelling relaxations of envy-freeness, which remain elusive in many settings. We study a natural relaxation of these two fairness constraints, where we place the agents on the vertices of an undirected graph, and only require that our allocations satisfy the EFX (resp. HEF) constraint on the edges of the graph. We refer to these allocations as graph-EFX (resp. graph-HEF) or simply $G$-EFX (resp. $G$-HEF) allocations. We show that for any graph $G$, there always exists a $G$-HEF-$k$ allocation of goods, where $k$ is the size of a minimum vertex cover of $G$, and that this is essentially tight. We show that $G$-EFX allocations of goods exist for three different classes of graphs -- two of them generalizing the star $K_{1, n-1}$ and the third generalizing the three-edge path $P_4$. Many of these results extend to allocations of chores as well. Overall, we show several natural settings in which the graph structure helps obtain strong fairness guarantees. Finally, we evaluate an algorithm using problem instances from Spliddit to show that $G$-EFX allocations appear to exist for paths $P_n$, pointing the way towards showing EFX for even broader families of graphs.
翻译:当在代理商之间分配一组不可分割的项目时,无法总是实现无嫉妒的理想条件。无嫉妒至任何好的(EFX)和无嫉妒至任何好的(EFX)和隐藏的(HEF-$)项目(HEF-$K$)的无嫉妒是两个非常令人信服的无嫉妒的放松,在许多情况下,这种放松仍然难以实现。我们研究这两种公平限制的自然放松,我们把代理商放在一个非方向图的顶端上,而只要我们的分配满足图表边缘的EFX(resp. HEF)限制。我们把这些分配称为图-EFX(resp. plook-HEF)或简单的G$-EFX(resp.$-$-$K-HEF$)的无嫉妒是两个非常令人信服的放松。我们用三个普通的Oral_G$结构 展示了三个普通的Oral__ralal_al_al ress ressal ressal ress ress laction lapal a grodumental rium a lexal_xal_Gration_G_G_G__G_G_G__G_G________________________G_G_________________________________x_x_x_x_x_x_ration_x_x_al_s_s_s_al_al_al_al_al_al_s_s_s_x_s_s_s_s_s_s_al_al_al_al_al_al_al_al_al_al ress ress ress ress ressal ress ress ress ress ress ress ress ress ress ress ress ress ress ress ressmas ress ress) ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex