In this paper a three-parameter family of Boussinesq systems is studied. The systems have been proposed as models of the propagation of long internal waves along the interface of a two-layer system of fluids with rigid-lid condition for the upper layer and under a Boussinesq regime for the flow in both layers. We first present some theoretical properties of well-posedness, conservation laws and Hamiltonian structure of the systems. Then the corresponding periodic initial-value problem is discretized in space by the spectral Fourier Galerkin method and for each system, error estimates for the semidiscrete approximation are proved. The rest of the paper is concerned with the study of existence and the numerical simulation of some issues of the dynamics of solitary-wave solutions. Standard theories are used to derive several results of existence of classical and generalized solitary waves, depending on the parameters of the models. A numerical procedure is used to generate numerically approximations of solitary waves. These are taken as initial conditions in a computational study of the dynamics of the solitary waves, both classical and generalized. To this end, the spectral semidiscretizations of the periodic initial-value problem for the systems are numerically integrated by a fourth-order Runge-Kutta-composition method based on the implicit midpoint rule. The fully discrete scheme is then used to approximate the evolution of perturbations of computed solitary wave profiles, and to study computationally the collisions of solitary waves as well as the resolution of initial data into trains of solitary waves.
翻译:在本文中,将研究一个3度的Boussinesq系统。这些系统被提议为在上层硬滑质液体的两层系统界面和两层流动的Bussinesq制度下传播长距离内部波的模型。我们首先根据模型的参数,从古老和普遍的隔离波的理论性质、保护法和汉密尔顿系统结构中提出一些理论性特征。然后,通过光谱Fourier Galerkin 方法和每个系统在空间中将相应的周期初值问题分解出来,对半分辨波的近似值的误差估计得到证明。本文的其余部分是关于单流解决方案动态的某些问题的存在和数字模拟的研究。标准理论被用来根据模型的参数,得出一些传统和普遍的隔离波的理论性特征。使用数字程序来产生单流波的数值近似值。在对单流波的动态的计算研究中,无论是古典还是普通的,均以半分直径直径直径直径直径直径的直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径图的模型的计算方法,作为计算方法的精确测测序的精确测序的计算方法,其序的计算方法,即以数字法的精确直对时序法的计算方法对时的精确序序的精确法的精确测的精确测序的精确测序法的精确法的精确法的精确法的测的精确法系的测序法系。