The cloud computing technique, which was initially used to mitigate the explosive growth of data, has been required to take both data privacy and users' query functionality into consideration. Symmetric searchable encryption (SSE) is a popular solution to supporting efficient keyword queries over encrypted data in the cloud. However, most of the existing SSE schemes focus on the exact keyword query and cannot work well when the user only remembers the substring of a keyword, i.e., substring-of-keyword query. This paper aims to investigate this issue by proposing an efficient and privacy-preserving substring-of-keyword query scheme over cloud. First, we employ the position heap technique to design a novel tree-based index to match substrings with corresponding keywords. Based on the tree-based index, we introduce our substring-of-keyword query scheme, which contains two consecutive phases. The first phase queries the keywords that match a given substring, and the second phase queries the files that match a keyword in which people are really interested. In addition, detailed security analysis and experimental results demonstrate the security and efficiency of our proposed scheme.
翻译:云计算技术最初用于缓解数据爆炸性增长,最初用于缓解数据爆炸性增长,现在需要这种云计算技术来同时考虑数据隐私和用户查询功能。对称可搜索加密(SSE)是支持对云中加密数据的有效关键词查询的流行解决方案。然而,大多数现有的 SSE 方案侧重于精确的关键字查询,而当用户仅记得关键字的子字符串,即关键字的子字符串查询时就无法很好工作。本文件的目的是通过提出一个高效和保密的对云进行关键字查询的办法来调查这一问题。首先,我们采用基于位置的堆放技术来设计一种新型树基索引,以匹配相应的关键字串查询。根据基于树基的索引,我们介绍我们的子关键字串查询方案,其中包括两个连续的阶段。第一阶段询问与给定的子字符串匹配的关键字,第二阶段则查询与人们真正感兴趣的关键字匹配的文档。此外,我们使用详细的安全分析和实验结果来显示我们拟议方案的安全和效率。