This report describes the entry by the Intelligent Knowledge Management (IKM) Lab in the WSDM 2019 Fake News Classification challenge. We treat the task as natural language inference (NLI). We individually train a number of the strongest NLI models as well as BERT. We ensemble these results and retrain with noisy labels in two stages. We analyze transitivity relations in the train and test sets and determine a set of test cases that can be reliably classified on this basis. The remainder of test cases are classified by our ensemble. Our entry achieves test set accuracy of 88.063% for 3rd place in the competition.
翻译:本报告介绍智能知识管理实验室(IKM)在WSDM 2019假新闻分类挑战中的条目。我们将此任务视为自然语言推论(NLI),我们单独培训一些最强的NLI模型和BERT。我们将这些结果结合起来,分两个阶段用吵闹标签进行再培训。我们分析火车和测试机的中转关系,并确定一套可以据此可靠地分类的测试案例。其余的测试案例由我们的合著者分类。我们的条目在竞争中第三位达到88.063%的测试精确度。