This article shows that the boundaries between the editing and online publishingprofessions are losing their strength. In this context it would only make sense that the wayhypertexts are documented be renewed, especially facing of the Web's evolution. We arethinking in particular of the trickier scholar hypertexts documentation process - specifically inscientific or cultural contexts. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that, consideringthe numerous branches of the Web, the hypertext enhance of a document of quality can onlybe done through a proper dialogue between authors, editors, and broadcasters. It would satisfythe readership as they could reach the appropriate information. It will also be shown that eachactor in this auctorial-editorial process would be a gainer. Indeed, a qualitative formalizationwork would be coupled with a strong broadcasting scope. Finally, we will point out that thiswork of mediating must be led by an actor of information-communication, to make the textunderstandable to both humans and machines. This meditative act is designated here under theterm of serial documentarisation.
翻译:这篇文章显示编辑和在线出版的界限正在失去其力量。 在这方面,只有重新记录超文本文本才有意义,特别是面对网络的演变。我们特别想到了更狡猾的学者超文本文件进程,特别是科学或文化背景。这篇文章的目的是要表明,考虑到网络的众多分支,质量文件的超文本增强只能通过作者、编辑和广播者之间的适当对话来完成。它能使读者满意,因为他们能够获得适当的信息。它还将表明,在这个编辑-编辑过程中,每个参与者都会获益。事实上,质量正规化工作将伴随着强大的广播范围。最后,我们要指出,这种调解工作必须由信息通信的行为者领导,以使文本既能为人,也能为机器所理解。这一模拟行为是在连续的文档化术语下指定的。