In recent years, Text-To-Speech (TTS) has been used as a data augmentation technique for speech recognition to help complement inadequacies in the training data. Correspondingly, we investigate the use of a multi-speaker TTS system to synthesize speech in support of speaker recognition. In this study we focus the analysis on tasks where a relatively small number of speakers is available for training. We observe on our datasets that TTS synthesized speech improves cross-domain speaker recognition performance and can be combined effectively with multi-style training. Additionally, we explore the effectiveness of different types of text transcripts used for TTS synthesis. Results suggest that matching the textual content of the target domain is a good practice, and if that is not feasible, a transcript with a sufficiently large vocabulary is recommended.
翻译:近年来,语音对语音的语音识别(TTS)一直作为一种数据增强技术(TTS)用于语音识别,以补充培训数据中的不足。相应的是,我们调查使用多语种 TTS系统合成语音,以支持语音识别。在本研究中,我们把分析的重点放在可供培训的发言者人数相对较少的任务上。我们在数据集中看到,TTS合成的语音识别提高了跨域语音识别性能,并可以有效地与多式培训相结合。此外,我们探讨了用于TTS合成的不同类型文字誊本的有效性。结果显示,匹配目标领域的文字内容是一种良好做法,如果不可行,则建议使用足够大词汇的文本。