As the Internet of Things (IoT) rolls out today to devices whose lifetime may well exceed a decade, conservative threat models should consider attackers with access to quantum computing power. The SUIT standard (specified by the IETF) defines a security architecture for IoT software updates, standardizing the metadata and the cryptographic tools-namely, digital signatures and hash functions-that guarantee the legitimacy of software updates. While the performance of SUIT has previously been evaluated in the pre-quantum context, it has not yet been studied in a post-quantum context. Taking the open-source implementation of SUIT available in RIOT as a case study, we overview post-quantum considerations, and quantum-resistant digital signatures in particular, focusing on lowpower, microcontroller-based IoT devices which have stringent resource constraints in terms of memory, CPU, and energy consumption. We benchmark a selection of proposed post-quantum signature schemes (LMS, Falcon, and Dilithium) and compare them with current pre-quantum signature schemes (Ed25519 and ECDSA). Our benchmarks are carried out on a variety of IoT hardware including ARM Cortex-M, RISC-V, and Espressif (ESP32), which form the bulk of modern 32-bit microcontroller architectures. We interpret our benchmark results in the context of SUIT, and estimate the real-world impact of post-quantum alternatives for a range of typical software update categories. CCS CONCEPTS $\bullet$ Computer systems organization $\rightarrow$ Embedded systems.
翻译:由于Things Internet of Things(IoT)今天向寿命可能大大超过十年的装置推出,保守的威胁模型应考虑使用量计算能力的攻击者。SUIT标准(由IETTF制定)定义了IOT软件更新的安全架构,将元数据和加密工具标准化,即数字签名和散列功能,保证软件更新的合法性。SUIT的性能以前已在Quantum前背景下进行了评估,但至今尚未在CQantum后时期对SUIT的性能进行过研究。以RIOT提供的SUIT公开源实施为案例研究,我们概述了后QUIT的考虑,特别是量抗性数字签名,重点是低功率、微控制器基IOT装置,这些装置在记忆、CPU和能源消耗方面有严格的资源限制。我们为选择拟议的QUIT后签字计划(LMS、Falcon and Dlithireacial)的性能,并且将其与目前CEBIT前的代号签名计划(E25519和ECDA)的公开性类别。我们的S-R-R-R-R-R-CF AS-CFormal-C AS-Simal-C-CFormal-CFormal-CFormalstal-res-res-res-restiumal-Cortiumal-Cortiumal-S-S-S-S-ressmasmax-ex-ressmax-ress-ex AS-ex-ressmal-ressmal-ressmal-ressmal-restal-ressmal-ressmal-ress-ressmal-ress-ress-ress-ressmal-ress-ressmal-res 的精确的精确结构,我们的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构,我们的精确结构,我们的精确结构的精确图的精确结构的精确结构,我们的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构,我们的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构,我们的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的精确结构的