In this new version of ZMCintegral, we have added the functionality of multi-function integrations, i.e. the ability to integrate more than $10^{3}$ different functions on GPUs. The Python API remains the similar as the previous versions. For integrands less than 5 dimensions, it usually takes less than 10 minutes to finish the evaluation of $10^{3}$ integrations on one Tesla v100 card. The performance scales linearly with the increasing of the GPUs.
翻译:在新版本的 ZMCINTegral 中,我们增加了多功能集成的功能,即能够整合GPU上超过10 ⁇ 3美元的不同功能。 Python API 与前版本相同。对于5维以下的指数,通常需要不到10分钟才能完成对Tesla v100卡上10 ⁇ 3美元集成的评估。随着GPU的增加,性能尺度线性线性。