Dozens of new tools and technologies are being incorporated to help developers, which is becoming a source of consternation as they struggle to choose one over the others. For example, there are at least ten frameworks available to developers for developing web applications, posing a conundrum in selecting the best one that meets their needs. As a result, developers are continuously searching for all of the benefits and drawbacks of each API, framework, tool, and so on. One of the typical approaches is to examine all of the features through official documentation and discussion. This approach is time-consuming, often makes it difficult to determine which aspects are the most important to a particular developer and whether a particular aspect is important to the community at large. In this paper, we have used a benchmark API aspects dataset (Opiner) collected from StackOverflow posts and observed how Transformer models (BERT, RoBERTa, DistilBERT, and XLNet) perform in detecting software aspects in textual developer discussion with respect to the baseline Support Vector Machine (SVM) model. Through extensive experimentation, we have found that transformer models improve the performance of baseline SVM for most of the aspects, i.e., `Performance', `Security', `Usability', `Documentation', `Bug', `Legal', `OnlySentiment', and `Others'. However, the models fail to apprehend some of the aspects (e.g., `Community' and `Potability') and their performance varies depending on the aspects. Also, larger architectures like XLNet are ineffective in interpreting software aspects compared to smaller architectures like DistilBERT.
翻译:数十种新工具和技术正在被整合,以帮助开发者帮助开发者,因为开发者很难选择一个工具和技术,这正在成为一个令人惊慌的根源。例如,为开发网络应用程序开发者提供了至少10个框架,这在选择满足其需要的最佳工具方面是一个难题。因此,开发者正在不断寻找每个API、框架、工具等的所有好处和缺点。典型的方法之一是通过正式文件和讨论来检查所有特征。这一方法耗费时间,往往难以确定哪些方面对特定开发者最为重要,而某个方面对整个社区也非常重要。在本文中,我们使用了从StackOverpil 站收集的基准 API 方面数据集(Opination),并观察了变异模型(BERT、ROBERTA、DitillBERT和XLNet)在与基本软件支持VtM(SVM) 模型的文字开发者讨论中是如何检测软件的方面。我们发现,通过广泛的实验,变异模型对某个特定开发者来说,“SVFority”的“VDality”的功能和“Oliverality”的功能,我们发现, 也改善了的“SVDorizforislity 结构的功能和S。