Object detection for autonomous vehicles has received increasing attention in recent years, where labeled data are often expensive while unlabeled data can be collected readily, calling for research on semi-supervised learning for this area. Existing semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) methods usually assume that the labeled and unlabeled data come from the same data distribution. In autonomous driving, however, data are usually collected from different scenarios, such as different weather conditions or different times in a day. Motivated by this, we study a novel but challenging domain inconsistent SSOD problem. It involves two kinds of distribution shifts among different domains, including (1) data distribution discrepancy, and (2) class distribution shifts, making existing SSOD methods suffer from inaccurate pseudo-labels and hurting model performance. To address this problem, we propose a novel method, namely Dual-Curriculum Teacher (DucTeacher). Specifically, DucTeacher consists of two curriculums, i.e., (1) domain evolving curriculum seeks to learn from the data progressively to handle data distribution discrepancy by estimating the similarity between domains, and (2) distribution matching curriculum seeks to estimate the class distribution for each unlabeled domain to handle class distribution shifts. In this way, DucTeacher can calibrate biased pseudo-labels and handle the domain-inconsistent SSOD problem effectively. DucTeacher shows its advantages on SODA10M, the largest public semi-supervised autonomous driving dataset, and COCO, a widely used SSOD benchmark. Experiments show that DucTeacher achieves new state-of-the-art performance on SODA10M with 2.2 mAP improvement and on COCO with 0.8 mAP improvement.
翻译:近年来,自动驱动器的物体探测工作受到越来越多的关注,因为标签数据往往费用昂贵,而未贴标签的数据可以随时收集,这就要求研究该领域的半监督性学习。现有的半监督性物体探测方法通常假定标签和未贴标签的数据来自同一数据分布。然而,在自主驱动中,数据通常从不同的情景中收集,例如不同的天气条件或一天的不同时间。为此,我们研究了一个新颖但具有挑战性的域与裁军特别联大不一致的问题。它涉及不同域之间的两种分配变化,包括:(1)数据分配差异;(2)类分配变化,使现有的裁军特别联大方法遭受不准确的假标签和损害模型性能的损害。为解决这一问题,我们提出了一个新颖的方法,即双曲线教师(Ducteacher) 。具体来说,DucTeacher由两个课程组成,即:(1) 域正在演变的域域间数据分配,通过估算不同域间的相似性能,从而逐步解决数据分配差异。(2) 分配课程力求为每个不准确的类别分配情况,Sloe-del-O-lacial-al-lader-lader-lader-lader-lader-lader-lader-modrisal-la-ma-lad-la-lax-modr-mod-lad-madr-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-laine-lad-lad-lad-lad-laine-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-laine-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-ladal-lad-lad-lad-lads-lad-ladal-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-lad-la