This collection bundles the following memos dedicated to Fast-speed (100 Mb/s) and Original-speed (10 Mb/s) Ethernet protocols, including upgradeable from Manchester (ME/DME) into Like-a-Manchester (LaM) encoding schemes: [1] "Data Coding Means and Event Coding Means Multiplexed Over the 100BASE-T1 PMA Sublayer" (extends the IEEE 802.3bw protocol, uses a non-LaM encoding, present at pp. 1-4); [2] "Data Coding Means and Event Coding Means Multiplexed Over a 10BASE-T/Te MAU-like Entity" (IEEE 802.3i/az, LaM-based, pp. 5-8); [3] "Data Coding Means and Event Coding Means Multiplexed Over a 10BASE-T1S PMA-like Entity" (IEEE 802.3cg's Clause 147, LaM-based, pp. 9-12); and [4] "Data Coding Means and Event Coding Means Multiplexed Over the 10BASE-T1L PMA Sublayer" (IEEE 802.3cg's Clause 146, non-LaM, pp. 13-16).
翻译:注:LaM为Like-a-Manchester的缩写,PMA为Physical Medium Attachment的缩写,ME为Manchester Encoding的缩写,DME为Differential Manchester Encoding的缩写,M/s为Mbps的缩写。