Deciding what's next? is a fundamental problem in robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Under belief space planning (BSP), in a partially observable setting, it involves calculating the expected accumulated belief-dependent reward, where the expectation is with respect to all future measurements. Since solving this general un-approximated problem quickly becomes intractable, state of the art approaches turn to approximations while still calculating planning sessions from scratch. In this work we propose a novel paradigm, Incremental BSP (iX-BSP), based on the key insight that calculations across planning sessions are similar in nature and can be appropriately re-used. We calculate the expectation incrementally by utilizing Multiple Importance Sampling techniques for selective re-sampling and re-use of measurement from previous planning sessions. The formulation of our approach considers general distributions and accounts for data association aspects. We demonstrate how iX-BSP could benefit existing approximations of the general problem, introducing iML-BSP, which re-uses calculations across planning sessions under the common Maximum Likelihood assumption. We evaluate both methods and demonstrate a substantial reduction in computation time while statistically preserving accuracy. The evaluation includes both simulation and real-world experiments considering autonomous vision-based navigation and SLAM. As a further contribution, we introduce to iX-BSP the non-integral wildfire approximation, allowing one to trade accuracy for computational performance by averting from updating re-used beliefs when they are "close enough". We evaluate iX-BSP under wildfire demonstrating a substantial reduction in computation time while controlling the accuracy sacrifice. We also provide analytical and empirical bounds of the effect wildfire holds over the objective value.
翻译:确定下一步是什么? 是一个在机器人和人工智能方面的根本性问题。 在部分可观察的环境中,在信仰空间规划(BSP)下,它涉及计算预期累积的基于信仰的奖赏,因为预期是对所有未来测量的。由于解决这个一般的非近似问题很快变得棘手,先进的方法会转向近似,同时仍然从零开始计算规划会议。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新颖的范例,即递增的BSP(iX-BSP),其依据是关键的认识,即规划会议之间的计算在性质上是相似的,可以适当地重新使用。我们通过利用多重重要性取样技术对预期进行递增计算,以选择性地重现和重新使用前几次规划会议的衡量标准。我们的方法的计算方法是使用多份重要性取样技术,有选择地重新复制和重新使用前几届规划会议的衡量标准。我们的方法包括模拟和真实的精确度分析,同时考虑将IX的精确度推算结果推向一个不精确的精确度。我们的评估包括模拟和真实的精确度的精确度,同时将IX的精确度推算,我们又将精确的精确度推算进一个不精确的精确的精确的精确度推算。