Let $\Sigma$ and $\Pi$ be disjoint alphabets, respectively called the static alphabet and the parameterized alphabet. Two strings $x$ and $y$ over $\Sigma \cup \Pi$ of equal length are said to parameterized match (p-match) if there exists a renaming bijection $f$ on $\Sigma$ and $\Pi$ which is identity on $\Sigma$ and maps the characters of $x$ to those of $y$ so that the two strings become identical. The indexing version of the problem of finding p-matching occurrences of a given pattern in the text is a well-studied topic in string matching. In this paper, we present a state-of-the-art indexing structure for p-matching called the parameterized suffix tray of an input text $T$, denoted by $\mathsf{PSTray}(T)$. We show that $\mathsf{PSTray}(T)$ occupies $O(n)$ space and supports pattern matching queries in $O(m + \log (\sigma+\pi) + \mathit{occ})$ time, where $n$ is the length of $T$, $m$ is the length of a query pattern $P$, $\pi$ is the number of distinct symbols of $|\Pi|$ in $T$, $\sigma$ is the number of distinct symbols of $|\Sigma|$ in $T$ and $\mathit{occ}$ is the number of p-matching occurrences of $P$ in $T$. We also present how to build $\mathsf{PSTray}(T)$ in $O(n)$ time from the parameterized suffix tree of $T$.
翻译:Lets\ sigma美元和$\ pi美元是不同的字母。如果在$\ sigma美元和$Pi美元上存在一个重命名的双字形(美元)和美元(美元),用美元显示美元和美元(美元)的字符和美元(美元),使两个字符变得相同。在文本中找到一个给定模式的正匹配点时,两个字符串(美元)和美元(美元)的双字符串(美元)是固定字母的。在字符串匹配中,找到给定模式的正匹配点(美元)和美元(美元)的双字符串(美元)的双字符串(美元)是相当的。在本文中,美元(美元)的数值是美元(美元)的参数托盘(美元),美元(美元)的数值是美元(美元)的美元(美元)的代号(美元)。
Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main internet products contained in Alphabet instead.https://abc.xyz/