With the increasing scale and diversification of interaction behaviors in E-commerce, more and more researchers pay attention to multi-behavior recommender systems that utilize interaction data of other auxiliary behaviors such as view and cart. To address these challenges in heterogeneous scenarios, non-sampling methods have shown superiority over negative sampling methods. However, two observations are usually ignored in existing state-of-the-art non-sampling methods based on binary regression: (1) users have different preference strengths for different items, so they cannot be measured simply by binary implicit data; (2) the dependency across multiple behaviors varies for different users and items. To tackle the above issue, we propose a novel non-sampling learning framework named \underline{C}riterion-guided \underline{H}eterogeneous \underline{C}ollaborative \underline{F}iltering (CHCF). CHCF introduces both upper and lower bounds to indicate selection criteria, which will guide user preference learning. Besides, CHCF integrates criterion learning and user preference learning into a unified framework, which can be trained jointly for the interaction prediction on target behavior. We further theoretically demonstrate that the optimization of Collaborative Metric Learning can be approximately achieved by CHCF learning framework in a non-sampling form effectively. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show that CHCF outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in heterogeneous scenarios.
翻译:随着电子商务中互动行为的规模和多样化的日益扩大和多样化,越来越多的研究人员关注多个行为建议系统,这些系统利用其他辅助行为(如观景和马车)的互动数据。为了应对不同情景中的这些挑战,非抽样方法显示优于负面抽样方法。然而,基于二进制回归的现有最新非抽样方法通常忽视两种意见:(1) 用户对不同项目有不同的偏好优势,因此不能简单地用二进式隐含数据来衡量;(2) 不同用户和项目对多种行为的依赖性各不相同。为了解决上述问题,我们提议建立一个新的非抽样学习框架,名为“下线{C}指导的学习框架”;{下线{H} 固态的测试方法优于否定的抽样方法。但是,基于二进制回归的现有最新非抽样方法通常忽略两种意见:(1) 用户对不同项目有不同的偏好优势,因此不能简单地用二进制的隐含数据来衡量;(2) 本委员会将标准学习和用户偏好学习纳入一个统一的框架,可以共同培训一个名为“下线{下线{下线{H_下”的学习模式,我们可以通过实地的系统化模型模型模型来显示一种互动的CF型的模型的模型的模型,在学习中展示中,可以显示一种不升级的模型的系统外演进式的模型。