Datasets explicitly linking publications to funding at project level are the basis of evaluative bibliometric analysis of funding programmes. Analysis of the impact of the EU funding programmes has been often frustrated by the lack of data on publications to which the funding has contributed. Here we present a dataset of scholarly publications reported by the projects funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. The dataset was created by first consolidating data from different reporting channels and validating the records by systematically matching them to external authoritative sources and assigning them external identifiers. The initial dataset had 305k records linked to one or more projects out of which 69% had a digital object identify (doi). Through the data quality assurance, we validate 93% of the initial records (283k) and assign a doi to 90% of them of them (245k). The resulting dataset has 245k unique dois (linked to one or more projects). It is, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive and curated dataset of scholarly outputs of the Framework Programme as reported by the grant holders. The dataset could only be created thanks to significant improvements and investments made in the reporting systems used by EU funded projects. The dataset is available EU open data portal: