Microprocessor design, debug, and validation research and development are increasingly based on modeling and simulation at different abstraction layers. Microarchitecture-level simulators have become the most commonly used tools for performance evaluation, due to their high simulation throughput, compared to lower levels of abstraction, but usually come at the cost of loss of hardware accuracy. As a result, the implementation, speed, and accuracy of microarchitectural simulators are becoming more and more crucial for researchers and microprocessor architects. One of the most critical aspects of a microarchitectural simulator is its ability to accurately express design standards as various aspects of the microarchitecture change during design refinement. On the other hand, modern microprocessor models rely on dedicated hardware implementations, making the design space exploration a time-consuming process that can be performed using a variety of methods, ranging from high-level models to hardware prototyping. Therefore, the tradeoff between simulation speed and accuracy, can be significantly varied, and an application's performance measurements uncertain. In this paper, we present a microarchitecture-level simulation modeling study, which enables as accurate as possible performance modeling of a RISC-V out-of-order superscalar microprocessor core. By diligently adjusting several important microarchitectural parameters of the widely used gem5 simulator, we investigate the challenges of accurate performance modeling on microarchitecture-level simulation compared to accuracy and low simulation throughput of RTL simulation of the target design. Further, we demonstrate the main sources of errors that prevent high accuracy levels of the microarchitecture-level modeling.
翻译:微结构化模拟模拟器已成为最常用的绩效评估工具,因为与较低的抽象度相比,微结构化模拟器的模拟输送量较高,但通常以硬件准确性损失为代价。因此,微结构化模拟器的安装、速度和准确性对研究人员和微处理器设计师越来越至关重要。微结构化模拟器的最关键方面之一是它能够准确表达设计标准,因为微结构化结构化在设计完善期间会发生不同方面的变化。另一方面,现代微型处理器模型依靠专门的硬件实施,使设计空间探索成为一种耗时的过程,可以使用多种方法进行,从高层次模型到硬件预设。因此,模拟速度和精度之间的权衡可能有很大差异,而应用的精确度测量则不确定。在本文中,我们将微结构化精度的精确度变化精确度5 精确度的精确度参数精确性能进行精确性评估,我们通过一系列模型性能模型性能水平的精确性能调整,我们通过一系列的精确性能模拟性能模型,我们通过一系列的精确性能的精确性能的微结构化水平,我们通过一系列的微结构化的微结构化的精确度的精确度的精确度的精确度的精确度的精确度的精确度的精确度的精确度,我们通过实验性能的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度研究来显示。