We are systematically surveying all known and suspected Z Cam-type dwarf novae for classical nova shells. This survey is motivated by the discovery of the largest known classical nova shell, which surrounds the archetypal dwarf nova Z Camelopardalis. The Z Cam shell demonstrates that at least some dwarf novae must have undergone classical nova eruptions in the past, and that at least some classical novae become dwarf novae long after their nova thermonuclear outbursts, in accord with the hibernation scenario of cataclysmic binaries. Here we report the detection of a fragmented "shell", 3 arcmin in diameter, surrounding the dwarf nova AT Cancri. This second discovery demonstrates that nova shells surrounding Z Cam-type dwarf novae cannot be very rare. The shell geometry is suggestive of bipolar, conical ejection seen nearly pole-on. A spectrum of the brightest AT Cnc shell knot is similar to that of the ejecta of the classical nova GK Per, and of Z Cam, dominated by [NII] emission. Galex FUV imagery reveals a similar-sized, FUV-emitting shell. We determine a distance of 460 pc to AT Cnc, and an upper limit to its ejecta mass of ~ 5 x 10^{-5} Msun, typical of classical novae.
翻译:我们正系统地调查所有已知和怀疑的Z Cam型侏儒古代古典新星的古典新星。这项调查的动机是发现了已知的最大的古典新星壳,它环绕着康斯特里奇诺瓦的古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古老古代。Z Cam Cam 贝壳表明,至少某些矮新星的古老古代古老古代古老古代古代古代古代新星的古代古代古代新星,至少有些古老的古老古代新星在新星的古代古代新星喷射出的古代新星,其最亮的光谱与古典古典GK Per和Z Cam的典型古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代古代新星,其的银,其的古代新新新新星,由新新新新星,其高的古代新新星的古代新,由新星的古代新星的古代新星,由由新星,由新星,由新,由新,由上至新星的银和上,由上,由高的V,由上至上至上,由上至上至上至上,由上,由上,由的一层的一层的一层的一层的一层的一层的V,由上至上至上,由上,由上至上至上至上,由上至上至上至上至上至上,由上,由上至上至上至上至上至上至上至上至上至上至上至上至上,由上至上至上至上至上至上至上至上,