Data owners upload large files to cloud storage servers, but malicious servers may potentially tamper data. To check integrity of remote data, Proof of Retrievability (PoR) schemes were introduced. Existing PoR protocols assume that data owners and third-party auditors are honest and audit only the potentially malicious cloud server to check integrity of stored data. In this paper we consider a system where any party may attempt to cheat others and consider collusion cases. We design a protocol that is secure under such adversarial assumptions and use blockchain smart contracts to act as mediator in case of dispute and payment settlement. We use state channels to reduce blockchain interactions in order to build a practical audit solution. We implement and evaluate a prototype using Ethereum as the blockchain platform and show that our scheme has comparable performance.
翻译:数据所有者上传大型文件到云存储服务器,但恶意服务器可能会篡改数据。为了检查远程数据的完整性,引入了可检索性证明(Proof of Retrievability, PoR)方案。现有的 PoR 协议假定数据所有者和第三方审计人员诚实,并仅审核存储在可能存在恶意行为的云服务器上的数据完整性。在本文中,我们考虑任何一方都可能试图欺骗其他人并考虑勾结的情况,设计了一种在这种对抗性假设下安全的协议,并使用区块链智能合约作为纠纷和支付结算的中介。我们使用状态通道来减少区块链交互,以构建实用的审计解决方案。我们使用以太坊作为区块链平台,实现并评估了原型,结果显示我们的方案具有可比较的性能。